Hex & Swatch. 8.

2 1 0

Tangerine shivers on the floor.

The scrapes all over her body spills out blood.

~ • ~ • ~

I hold the little "C. Polaria" nameplate in my hand.

I turn it over and over, not sure of what to do with it.

I'm honestly not fully sure of where it came from.

Maybe it has some information or evidence for something.

I don't see anything on the front except the name and some scratches and a reddish smudge that won't come off.

On the back, though, is something interesting.

In small letters, "KOI" is written.

A fish symbol is displayed above it.

I hadn't noticed that before.

~ • ~ • ~

A dark figure strolls down a walled off hallway, whistling an eerie tune.

They smile as they study a large jar in their hands.

Their one eye is squinted in an unnatural way. The other is just an X.

They turn the doorknob on a door with a board over the window and walk inside.

They set down the jar on the table and turn on a hanging light.

They take the object out of the jar and set it down on the table.

Blood covers their hands and the table and the jar.

They smile and laugh quietly to themself.

They had gotten their revenge.

And vengeance was sweet.

~ • ~ • ~

Tangerine stands up.

She wipes her bloodied hands on her jeans.

She wasn't going to let herself die.

Not again.

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