The Workers. 3.

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Tahre bites his lip as he drags the screaming subject down the hall. The subject, #15121c-9849 seems to be about 10 years old.

No one is waiting for Tahre to bring #15121c-9849.

If he doesn't bring them, no one will notice.

With that thought, Tahre pulls out his keycard to the nearest exit and snuck around to it. It was 2:30am. No one was out at this hour.

The next workers would come out at 3.

Tahre swipes the keycard and opens the door. He takes a deep breath of the cold night air.

"You're free now," he whispers to #15121c-9849.

#15121c-9849 looks at Tahre, confused.

"You're really letting me g-" Tahre cuts them off. "Go! You have to go far away from here!"

#15121c-9849 gives Tahre a soft smile, their shark-like teeth glinting in the low light. With that, they run off into the distance. Tahre smiles. He has saved a subject from certain death. He hopes #15121c-9849 has a good life.

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