Prologue: The Nobility in Even the Darkest of Depths

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Disclaimer: I do not own Akame ga Kill and Overlord (2012). They belong to their respective owners.



The Empire...

A tyrannical government regime that once ruled over the land with all the benevolence from it's Emperor and Empress but when they were murdered and their only child, Makoto, had ascended upon the throne of the Empire, as nothing more than a child, he has no idea what to do about the situation at hand...

Then comes the Prime Minister Honest, who saved him from his moment of weakness and has gone out of his way to guide the Child Emperor in making the Empire a better place...




Yeah, not really...

In reality, Honest is the cause behind the Emperor's fall to corruption, using the naivety of the Child Emperor to follow his every whim possible, constantly lying to him that the Empire is in good hands yet without any agency, inexperience and knowing only the words of Honest, the Empire is almost teetering on the brink of absolute corruption and turmoil...

And corruption run swift in the Empire as it's citizens were constantly get treated like trash by every upper class and authority figures that are supposed to take their matters with utmost responsibility, courtesy of Honest going out of his way to support his allies however they want as a reward for helping him get to his spot in the first place...

People are suffering all around and as the people suffered, so does their misery turned into a weapon and their willingness to stand together against an oppressive government made them create a faction known as, The Revolutionary Army...

A rebellious faction that fights back against the corrupt government, although they are barely equipped, undermanned and outgunned by the far more resource driven Empire, their drive to fight back against the oppressors is all they can stand for, facing off in a subtle and pragmatic ways such as the use of an assassination units known as Night Raid, a faction that works in the corrupt belly of the Empire that do their job by killing those who are irredeemable and corrupt that they deserved only death while collecting any ounce of Teigu they find, powerful weapons that were once made by the First Emperor to protect his Empire, and either used it or return it for the uses of the Revolutionary Army...

And if they have to die, then so be it...

Unfortunately, thought what starts off as the heroic underdogs of the Empire, now turned sour as when you fight monsters, there are times where you have to be monsters...

Thought seen as the lesser of two evils, there is a reason why they are 'evil' as the Revolutionary Army are all likewise by either rage and vengeance or defected nobles and generals that may see Honest and his ilk are nothing but scum that deserved the chopping block they shall be executed for their crimes but these defects are not different, being condescending at best to ruthless at worst and it doesn't help that they constantly struggle with each other rather than do something worthwhile in themselves...

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