Chapter 1: The Clash In the Middle of the Night

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Disclaimer: I do not own Akame ga Kill and Overlord (2012). They belong to their respective owners.



In the middle of the night itself who's moon shines upon a mansion, one guard let's out a sigh at what he gotten himself into...

Joseph is just one of the many guards who's job is to protect a noble family of honest to goodness samaritans who goes out of their way to help the poor and the downtrodden from the streets and take care of them because it is a part of their nature...

He can only just snort at such a lie as Aria, alongside her parents, are nothing more than sadistic torturers who love to torture, murder and make their victims suffer the excruciating pain and agony they all they want is only death and unfortunately, the family won't give them the mercy of death as that is what their victims deserved it...

'For it is the right of the nobility to treat the common fools for daring to take advantage of our generosity. Hmph, they are to blame for their suffering.'

Joseph remembered what they had said and then, they also once gained another victim appearing to be a boy with a white headband and a girl with long black hair as Aria makes zero qualms of showing the long haired girl no mercy because as Aria puts it...

"This stupid country girl dares to have a far prettier hair than me. How dare she... Let's see how smug she feels when I make her feel the pain I suffered! Hahahaha..."

He can only sigh at this but what can he do? Sure, he is strong but if he killed a noble of the Empire, then he'll be hunted down like he is some common criminal.

And unlike those who are strong of will who are determined to face those who are corrupt without hesitation, Joseph, unfortunately, isn't so strong willed to even try to do some vengeful crusade or whatever.

And then Aria gets another victim who introduced himself as Tatsumi and looking at the brunette kid, he is just like every young kid he knows; being naive, young, impressionable and finally, too arrogant for his own good.

Like, did he even think of going to the army and quickly gained rank of a captain? Seriously, who's the idiot that taught the kid how that works?

Joseph just pinched the bridge of his nose as he sigh in irritation and frustration until finally, he said, "Hey, Marc..." He yelled to one of his fellow guards as, he had been one of the many guards that are posting outside, "Is your shift done there?"

All he gets are no response, much to his irritation as he continued to speak again, "Marc. If you're messing with me, then it isn't funny. You know your schedule, right?"

Once again, no response as Joseph grunts ruefully as he said, "Okay, Marc. This isn't funny. If you're gonna take a piss, don't do that in the gardens. You know how the mother feels for her guards peeing outside." He said as he tried to find where Marc is.

Joseph continue to search for Marc, trying to find out where he is.

"Marc, you there..." Joseph said in worry, "Are you okay, there?"

Before Joseph could think that there is no response, he finally heard Marc's familiar voice, "Yeah, sorry. Heard something here. Nothing to worry about. Just some animal or something, I don't know."

Joseph sigh in relief, glad that Marc is alright, "Thank God. For a minute, I thought you're dead. Probably killed by those assassins from Night Raid or something."

"Yeah, right. You know me, Joseph. I could handle those bozos just fine and dandy." Marc said in an arrogant tone, making Joseph raised an eyebrow at this.

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⏰ Last updated: May 17 ⏰

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