Yin and Yang

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Yin and Yang, Light and dark, or like Positive and Negative. Napansin ni Allen 'yan simula pa lang nung naging magkaibigan sila ni Yvonne. She was like the bright, positive yang to his gloomy, negative yin.

"Lagi ka nalang nakasimangot, grumpy pants!" Yvonne would tease him with a playful shove. Her smile could light up a room.

Allen just shrugged. "Ganyan talaga ako eh. You know I worry a lot." His brow furrowed as he chewed his lip, wondering what fresh hells awaited them that day.

They were an odd pair - the bubbly, outgoing cheerleader and the sullen, introspective loner. But their differences complemented each other perfectly in a yin and yang harmony. Yvonne's optimism buoyed Allen's spirits while his cautious nature kept her exuberance grounded.

"You need to stop being so paranoid and just enjoy life!" She'd laugh, tousling his shaggy black hair. Allen felt a warmth bloom in his chest at her carefree touch. For all his brooding, Yvonne accepted him completely.

That delicate balance lasted through high school. But when college came, the first hairline cracks began to show in their friendship's perfect symmetry.

"Uy Allen! G tayo mamaya, may party kasi sa frat house!" Yvonne bounced on the balls of her feet, eyes sparkling with excitement.

Allen's face fell. "Hindi ako pupunta diyan. You know hindi ako ganun ka-comfortable with crowds and loud music."

Yvonne groaned. "Sige na, just this once? Para naman masaya!"

"Ayoko nga." Allen pulled his hoodie tighter with a shudder. "Nakakailang lang."

For the first time, Yvonne's dimples disappeared in a frustrated pout. "Fine, party pooper ka na lang."

The yin and yang tipped ever so slightly further out of balance.

Still, their friendship pulsed on, with Yvonne gamely trying to pull Allen from his sheltered shell. Pero kahit anong pilit niya, parang lalo lang naiiinggit si Allen at lumalayo. College was opening Yvonne's world up, while Allen's shrank smaller and smaller.

One chilly November night, their two vastly different paths crossed again under the sickly yellow lamps of the university grounds.

"A-Allen?" Yvonne hiccuped in surprise, steadying herself against a tree trunk. She reeked of alcohol. "What are you doing here?"

Allen stared askance, jaw tightening. He knew what the hickeys on her neck meant, what her disheveled appearance implied. "Just studying lang...in case you even remember what that is."

Fire flashed in Yvonne's eyes. "Don't be so judgy, okay? I'm just having fun!"

"Yeah, I can see that," Allen muttered through gritted teeth, averting his gaze from the sloppily tucked-in blouse and askew skirt.

A harsh laugh burst from Yvonne's lips. "Look at you, nakatago  nanaman just like a hermit crab hiding in your shell!"

That poisoned barb struck deeper than she knew. Allen's face contorted in hurt.

"E di wow, Miss PartEEEE Girl, enjoy your 'fun' na lang," he spat, whirling on his heel. "Bahala ka kung saan ka dalhin niyan."

With those parting words, the yin and yang shattered completely. In the weeks after, their calls and texts rapidly dwindled to nothing.

Allen retreated further into his solitary world, hunched over dusty books under harsh fluorescent lights. While Yvonne's Instagram exploded with selfies surrounded by cheering crowds, drunken frat parties, random hookups in random dorm rooms.

She was burning twice as bright, but paying a price in lost inhibition and self-control. And Allen feared where that path would lead her.

Over winter break back home, Allen couldn't stop hate-scrolling through Yvonne's social media. The cheerleader he knew was gone, replaced by this brash new persona posting raunchy jokes and cringey thirst traps with bent over, peace sign poses.

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