Chapter 110

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*pov change to Shining Dragon*

I knew I would get cold faster, but we were heading to a party, so I quickly dressed in a dark red and green striped crop top along with ripped black skinny jeans and black leather boots with a bit of a heel to them. Before leaving the room, I decided to suprise Mood and put on some make-up, just some dark red lipstick, eyeliner, and mascara along with some glitter on my cheeks.

I was about to leave the bathroom when I saw the black makeup Mood gave me for when I don't have a mask on me. I quickly grabbed it and went to check if Mood was ready.

She was dressed, but she still had to do her makeup and put her wig on. She was looking at her phone like she does when she has been assigned a task, except she seemed a bit irritated about it.

"Is everything ok?" I asked, drawing her attention to me. She almost immediately smiled like whatever upset her didn't exist anymore.

"Yes, just mission details." She said as she stood up and looked me up and down. "Makeup?"

"I thought I should shake it up a little." I smiled. 

She smirked before she walked past me to finish getting ready.

Once she was ready, she had a blonde wig on, and her makeup genuinely made it hard to tell Mood was actually herself.

"Ready to go?" I asked.

"Almost." She said as she stepped closer to me.

Before I realized what she was doing, she firmly kissed my neck. For a second, my breath hitched, and tingles shot down my spine.

I glanced at my reflection in the mirror on the wall and saw she had left a bright red kiss mark on my neck.

"Now I'm ready." She smiled and walked past me towards the door.

I playfully rolled my eyes as I followed after her, and we went back downstairs to my motorcycle.

"Are you going to tell me where we are going now?" She asked as I handed her the helmet again.

"A few people I know are throwing a party." I smiled as she looked at me with a raised eyebrow. "I figured it would be fun for you to go somewhere that you don't have to take orders and can act freely."

She seemed a little unsure but decided to trust me and put the helmet on. I quickly put my helmet on and got on my motorcycle. After she sat behind me and  her arms were firmly around my waist, I sped off to the party. It wasn't a long ride there, but it felt like it was because of the cold air rushing up my shirt. I knew this would happen, but I still regeted my decision.

It didn't take long for Claire to run over to me and jump at me. I barely managed to catch her when I saw her brother talking to Owen on the other side of their living room.

"Ethan felt bad for him." Claire quickly stated. "He wasn't sure how to say no."

As soon as Mood realized who we were talking about, she tensed up.

"Owen isn't a threat." I whispered, but her grip on my hand said she felt otherwise.

"It's kinda of hard to think he went from the cute nerdy kid to a dick after you rejected him." Claire softly said.

I didn't know what to say, so I just grabbed Mood's hand and guided her towards the kitchen.

"El, who's the girl?" Claire whispered. " I thought..."

"Aria." Mood answered  her question before I could.

"No offense. I thought she'd be bringing someone else." Claire sheepishly said.

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