Chapter 68 - Goodbye, I love you --

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The second day on Chandrila and you woke up with a decent headache and a continued sense of guilt from the night before. Hunter, Wrecker and Omega had come in much later in the evening after you had retired to bed. Tech evidently had waited up for them and that was why you hadn't seen him go to bed. You had been woken up by Wreckers initial steps onto the ship, but you just rolled over and fell back to sleep.

The three of them had been walking around the coastline exploring the waterside docks and ended up getting roped into a boat race. The boat in question had needed extra hands for hire, and thus Wrecker with his strength and Hunter with his ability to navigate got hired on. The only reason it had gone on so late into the night was because of the after party. They managed to hook third place, especially since Wrecker accidentally shored the boat at one point and almost made the entire craft tip over into the water. But Wrecker his mistake and they still made it to the finish just missing second place.

Hunter had been sensing ahead in the ship dock to try and determine what situation you and Tech might be in before they returned, but Tech had notified him that you were both back on board and now retired to bed. Omega had worried about getting to say goodbye to Lerona, but after the busy day of boating and getting to be out on the water she was so tired that Wrecker carried her the remained of the way to bed.

Once they had all returned to find Tech waiting, they locked up the ship and headed to their bunks. Hunter could sense some odd tension from Tech, and guilt coming off of you even as you slept peacefully. --its never an end with these two-- he sighed gruffly to himself –at least this can wait until morning--.

Now as you stirred, you noticed Hunter and Wrecker still asleep on their bunks across from you. Your head ached and you quietly groaned as you slowly sat up. You glanced upwards, but didn't see any indication of Tech on his bunk above you. Even his boots were missing from the end of the bunk shelf where he usually tucked them out of the way.

--is he up?-- you ask yourself, holding your head and slowly getting to your feet. Being hung over almost feels like being drunk, except everything hurts instead of happily buzzing. You step through the blanket doorway, the dimmed lights of the middle area making your wince. You step through and smell the inviting aroma of coffee, and as you look up you see Tech sitting there, Gonky acting as the table, and two cups ready to be filled.

You carefully walk over, your steps clunky and your joints protesting.

"How are you?" Tech asked, and you looked into his brown eyes as you approached. His face was neutral as it normally was, but you still felt a pang of guilt about last night rise up in your heart.

"Like I had one too many last night" you reply, now standing next to him and the wall seating. You watch his reaction but he gestures to the chair next to him and pours the coffee from his mobile maker. He hands the warm cup to you and you mutter a 'thanks' before putting the hot mug back down on Gonky's flat head. You had thought perhaps Tech would be avoidant after last night or have some indication of displeasure. You were glad but nervous at his neutrality this morning.

"they returned a cycle or so after our arrival" Tech commented "It was quite late".

"I knew that snoring couldn't be you" you joked, trying to lean back against the chair and get comfortable. Tech didn't react, and you both sat their in silence while he sipped his coffee. You felt awkward, and your crossed your arms while you leaned back trying to relax.

"Y/N, I wanted to apologize for last night" Tech said "I'm worried I have given you the wrong impression".

--Oh crap. What does he mean wrong impression?-- you worry to yourself saying "which part exactly?"

--Building a New life --Tech x Reader Bad BatchWhere stories live. Discover now