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Two figures descended from the air and landed right next to the defeated Kuma?.

Luffy: Who is it?

A large man with a stocky build and a giant axe stood before the Straw Hats. Behind him was another Bartholomew Kuma!

???: Look at you, PX-4! You're pitiful! You Pacifistas each cost as much as an entire battleship! What am I supposed to tell Punk?!

Chopper/Usopp: <horrified> Another Warlord of the Sea?!! I-Is that the real one?!!!

Sanji: It doesn't matter if that's real or fake. We don't have any more energy left to fight!

Millim and shion arrived

Shion-pacifistas? PX-4...?

Robin: That's what that man said. He called the defeated Kuma? a Pacifista.

Franky: Who are you, Axe Boy?!!

???: Don't identify me by my weapon. It's no use trying to get any information out of me. I have nothing to tell you! I'm the most defensive man in the world.

Usopp: Why don't you at least name yourself?!

???: I have nothing to tell you, but I already told you, I'm the most defensive man in the world, Sentomaru.

Millim-So his name is Sentomaru...

Sentomaru: Wait, I told you that on purpose. I won't answer any of your questions. Let's get going, Px-1!

The other Kuma? started shooting laser beams from his hands, which the Straw Hats dodged.

Sanji: He shoots beams from his hand too! But he doesn't have any paws!! I hate to admit it, but he must be the third one! What's going on here?!

Zoro: Right now, we should be worrying more about ourselves than them! If we get in another battle, one of us will sustain an injury! And before we even meet the admiral!

Millim-): I'll deal with them while you run!

Robin: millim), wait!!

Millim-Rimuru he is fighting a vice admiral?


As the pink) haired girl leapt at Sentomaru and PX-1, surrounding her hands in electricity , Sentomaru raised his hands up.

Sentomaru: Hah!

She seemed to push millim) back with some force shocking the pirates.

Millim): What the—?!

Sentomaru: A smal girl is no match for me! Sumo Strike!!

He hit millim), injuring the girl and sending him flying into a tree, and he did so without touching him.

Chopper: What's he doing?! How did he hitMillim without even touching her!

Millim got up, bleeding from the attack. He grit his teeth.

Millim): (Not good... This guy can use the power of haki )!

Sentomaru with incredible speed was on the female in an instant.

Sentomaru: Sumo Strike!! Double Sumo Strike!! Triple Sumo Strike!! Quadruple Sumo Strike!!

Millim) was smiling and deflected Sentomaru's attacks, sending creating a shock wave sending both flying into the ground millim next to Robin and sentry to the other

Robin: millim

She helped her up. She was bleeding badly from his lips and nose

Millim: Damn it...(I can heal my self now)

Usopp: No way! He just kicked millim's butt!!
No he did not

Sentomaru: You don't stand a chance in the New World.

Nami: Luffy's right! , you won't be able to beat them alone, especially since that guy can hit you!

Millim:Drago punch

She ran cover her hand with hand and Sentomaru swung his axe, creating another shock wave f, while PX-1 started shooting laser beams at everyone.

Robin: millim, we're no match for them!!

Millim): Damn it!!

Sentomaru: Overconfident Children are so pathetic. When they realize that their powers can no longer carry them from this point onward.

Luffy: You guys!! We can't go together!! Split up!!!

Usopp: I agree with running away!!!

Luffy: <to Zoro/Sanji> The three of us should go separately.

Sanji: All right! <to Zoro> Are you going to be all right?

Zoro: Shut up!!

Shion- I'll fight with him so I'll defend millim.

She winced and fell onto one knee, having a head ache
What is this feeling .

Straw Hats: You Gavin's headache now!!

Shion): No, I'm not. At least, not as much as you.

Franky, Sanji, and Nami ran off in one direction, while millim saw Usopp and Zoro running in another one.

Usopp was hanging off of Zoro.

Usopp: Zoro! Protect me as hard as you can, okay? Pleeease?!

Zoro: Ugh! Wait! Usopp, I'm really...!

Millim ran over to them and bonked Usopp on the head.

Millim: Idiot! He's still injured, you know!

Usopp: Then you protect me!

Brook ran up next to them.

Brook: Rest assured! I'll cover for Zoro too!

Robin called out to shion

Robin: I'm going with Luffy and Chopper! Take care of yourself!

Shion): Got it! I won't get hit any more! <to Luffy> Hey! You better not let Robin get hurt, or else...

Luffy: <smirking> She won't! <to everyone> Everyone!! We'll meet in three days at Sunny!!!

The three groups of Straw Hats began running off in different directions.

Sentomaru: They're splitting up! Chase after them, PX-1! Don't let them escape from Grove 12! It'll be a pain to clean this mess up!!

Usopp threw a smoke bomb to block Sentomaru and PX-1's sight, but they were able to dodge it.

As PX-1 confronted Sanji's group, and Sentomaru confronted Luffy's, someone appeared before Zoro's.

Millim: Shit!!!

A beam of light shot through shion chest. She collapsed on the ground, coughing up blood.

With Rimuru and Veldora

(Ignore the other people
Asta-Veldora using one sword
Dente-Khalifa )

Tempest boys-Haha we beat her
Marine-They are monster
The real Kuma appears

Rimuru-Who are u

Both disappeared

With Millim

Rimuru and Veldora presence disappeared after  they had a fight with a vice admiral

Author-don't forget to like and make comments
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