Operation:go to marineford

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Ivankov: Are you sure this is the right cell!?

Ivankov is holding a guard

Guard: Y-yes sir! This is the right cell!!

Jinbe looks up to see all of them

Luffy: Damn it! I guess we were too late!

Jinbe: No way...it's them!! They actually came!! They made their way into impel down and made their way here!!

Jinbe: Are you two Straw-Hat and demon prince !?

Rimuru : Indeed we are!

Luffy: Yeah!

Jinbe: You guys have to hurry!! They took Ace up the lift so it's not too late

Millim : Thank you very much!! But first of all

Millim makes his way to the cell and grabs onto the bars and pulls them apart

You can join us in our crusade!!

Jinbe: Thank you very much .,


Jinbe: No one would dare to break into Impel down...those 3...are different!!

Rimuru : Lets go guys!!

Inazuma: The gate is open though

Ivankov: Somehow, the wheel is locked!!

Luffy: So what are we going to do?

Luffy looks towards the chains

Luffy: We can climb our way up there!!

Luffy starts to try and climb the chain but some spikes fall down

Ivankov: I guess they are not trying to make this easy for us!!

Veldora : I know! Let's use the stairs!!

They all run to the starts but find out that the starts are blocked

Millim : Damn.

Jinbe: Now what!

Out of nowhere, a green gas is being produced

Inazuma: Gas!? It could be poison!!

Tempests: I'm fine! I'm resistant to poison now!!

Luffy: Yeah we will be fine-

Luffy fall down and start snoring

Inazuma: Its a form of sleeping gas.

Inazuma cuts the floor to seal the gas

Luffy wake up

Millim : Thank you Inazuma!

Luffy: Now how are we going to rescue Ace!?

Ivankov: Ace-boy is already in the hands of marines....we might have to leave it to Whitebeard..

Luffy: No....

Tempest : We will take the fight to them! WE ARE GOING TO MARINEFORD!!

Ivankov: Bakas!! That will not be a place where you will survive!! Do you not know how strong Whitebeard is!!??

Ivankov: And do you know how strong the Admirals, Vice-admirals and Shichibukai are!!? Gosh!! Are you looking to die!?

Rimuru huckles then smiles

Rimuru : I have fought a vice admiral I also have fought against a couple of Shichibukai. ..

Rimuru urns around and points towards a cell

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