Does Pain Hurt as Much as Secrets

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Kara POV

Pain. All I felt from my whole body was pain.

Reign grabbed my cape when I was trying to run away and slammed me down to the ground.

"Now, the city will run off your blood." She spoke, sending chills down my spine.

It was in the middle of the night. I was heading back home from Catco when she appeared out of nowhere.

I quickly ripped open my shirt, revealing the symbol of the House of El.

Yet, before I had time to understand what was going on, she pulled on my cape while I pushed and I pulled to get away from her grasp. I ran, but I wasn't able to stop her.

I woke up in my apartment, out of breath as I recalled the dream that I had just had-more like a nightmare. I put on my "Kara" outfit and headed for a nice day at Catco.

When I got there, there were cameras everywhere, drawing me with attention. Reporters-some who I knew, came up in front of me with tiny microphones.

"Are you really Supergirl?" "How do you feel know that your secret is revealed?"

Questions swarmed around me as I had no time to think.

"I'm sorry, but I believe you are mistaken, I'm just simple and NORMAL, Kara Danvers." I told them. Hoping they would believe me. Alas, I was wrong.

They didn't buy it. They kept on coming closer and closer to me when I couldn't take it anymore. I flew to one of the people closest. L-Corp was open and in business.

The woman who ran this place was none other than Lena Luthor. She is my best friend, but I had never told her my secret.

I went up while people gave me astonished looks. I tried my best to ignore them and headed up to greet her.

She looked almost surprised to see me when I came in. Then she turned around, completely ignoring me.

"Lena, I'm sorry I haven't told you sooner. I need your help to fix this." I pleaded, trying to get my friend back.

She paused and looked at me,"Why would I help you? Especially if I worked so hard to expose you." She said, a smirk plastered on her face.

"W-w-what do you mean?" I asked with a shaking voice.

"I knew your secret since we first met, I thought you would eventually tell me but before I knew it, an entire year has gone by and you haven't uttered a single word about it. So, I gathered as much evidence as I could and got James Olsen to break out the news." She explained, I was left speechless.

"He wouldn't" I said, trying to hold on to one friendship.

She laughed."Oh, poor, sweet, naive Kara. Of course he would. And he did."

She cackled while I was left wondering, 'why?'

Part 2?

Supergirl- One  Shots Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt