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Anastasia's pov:

I looked upon the magazine with my face and name along with Slash's face and name plastered all over the front cover.

"f*ck.."I muttered as Slash and I exchanged glances.

"let's get you home Ash."Slash said gripping his drunken brother as he pulled him along and neither of us really said anything to each other.
We piled into a cab and I just kinda looked down into my lap..so much for seeing London,I only managed to get tipsy and now this article was gonna ruin me.God I hated paparazzi.I didn't even know they were photographing.

"It's gonna be fine."Slash reassured me taking my hand as he failed to comfort me in anyway.

"you don't know that."I said looking down.

"you're right..we're f*cked but isn't this what you wanted?For Duff to find out."Slash asked.

"not like this...not again."I sighed.

"Well he had to find out some way."Slash shrugged.

"not from a f*cling magazine!"I yelled getting irritated.

"Everyone else found out."Slash said.

"With Duff it's different."I scoffed.

"really Ana?Because I don't think you ever had any plans on actually telling him."Slash blurted out.

"Of course I did."I defended myself as my eyes fell to the side.I couldn't make contact.

"you're lying..you're so obviously lying!"Slash groaned.

"Am I wrong for wanting this to last?"I scoffed.

"you think I don't want this to last?"Slash asked taken aback.

"Well you're so eager to tell Duff but what happens when he does know?"I said.

"I don't know but we can work through it."Slash suggested.

"Like we did last time?"I laughed.

"how optimistic."Slash mocked me.

"I'm being realistic!"I defended myself.

"If you think we're gonna break up..why are you here?Why'd you come back?'Why'd you come all the way to London to meet my family?"Slash asked as the car pulled up in the driveway.

"I shouldn't have."I said quietly

"That's what you really think?"Slash asked glaring at me as I didn't reply so he sighed before getting up,mumbling to himself and practically carrying his drunken brother to the house.

"Ash...what happened to him?"Ola scolded Slash right as we stepped into the door.

"he's drunk."Slash said monotonically.He sounded hurt not in a physical way but he just seemed upset.

"I can see that."Ola said as she tended to Ash as Slash looked back at me with a strange sorta look before rolling his eyes and turning away.I followed him upstairs to the guest room sorta sheepishly.I didn't know if he wanted me there or far away or where we really stood.We didn't break up..officially but the silence and shield he built up with his shoulders not even looking over at me once as I walked into the bedroom gave me the sign that I should just stay quiet..for once.

I knew I was growing up a little more.Normally Id be petty and flirt with one of his friends or act up in front of his family but I didn't do such thing..I just stayed quiet and weak.I hated it.I hated the way he made me feel over the slightest feel.I hated the control he had over me.No matter what I was doing if Slash wasn't happy,I wasn't.If he was ecstatic so was I.My mood depended on him.


Slash's pov:

I just crawled into bed and hid myself under the covers.I saw Anastasia.I pretended not too but out the corner of my eye she just stood awkwardly in the doorway before scurrying to the bathroom and locking herself in there.

I practiced what to say to her.I didn't want her to go away mad I just wanted her to go away.I played out all different type of scenarios on how she would react to what I'd eventually say when she came out of the bathroom but by the time I'd actually thought of it..she was still in there and remained in there for almost hours.I listened in to faint cries.I wanted to go in there I even tried the handle but it was locked.I knocked the door but didn't have the courage to say anything.

I did what I felt was right and just turned the lights off and got into bed.I fell straight asleep and was knocked out cold until the bright light lit up her silouhette in the dim bathroom as she looked just like the tattoo on my forearm.I just watched as her face came more into the light..her makeup had run all over her face.She was always pretty even when crying but this time she looked hysterical.I shuffled my body over in the bad making room for her as she climbed in.

"Just stay with me..I don't want my parents to see any of this."I whisper coldly but shamelessly.

"okay.."She whispered back as her cold and feeble body lined up with mine as she turned her back to me.I felt guilty.I wanted her to stay with me not because of my parents..partially but I just wanted her.I was mad but I could never stay mad for long.I could tell I f*cked up as soon as she turned away.

"I love you."I said out of guilt.I felt stupid after saying it since she didn't reply for a couple seconds.

"I love you too..."She said as I felt myself blush.
"but I shouldn't have married you.."She said shortly after as my heart sunk.

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