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Anastasia's pov:

Avoiding my problems was hard,avoiding Duff was harder and don't even get me started on the paparazzi.Everywhere I went in La they knew my name.Fame truly came with its perks and its major downfalls.

I was practically in disguise wandering around the guitar centre aimlessly with Steven who did nothing but keep rambling on about the doors which seemed to overwhelm me more as I tried to navigate my way around to hopefully find something Slash would like.

"hey,can I help?"The employee asked sweetly catching me off guard.

"please."I groaned out of exhaustion as he brought me over to a corner of the store with a huge wall of mounted guitars before introducing himself. "I'm Dan,how can I help you?"He said politely as I shook his hand as he sorta tilted his head at me in my ridicule furry coat and cat eye glasses.I bet I looked like such a brat.

"I need to buy a guitar?"I said cluelessly.

"Well coming here was probably a good start."He joked as I laughed getting it after a couple seconds.I glanced behind me to look for Steven but he was long gone. "What type of guitar are you looking for?"Dan said kindly.

"Preferably a Les Paul."I remembered as Dan turned around scanned the wall and grabbed the first Les Paul he saw.

"this is a classic Gibson."He said handing it over as he nodded behind me to a small stool as I sat down and he placed the guitar on my lap.

"oh I don't play!"I blushed.

"sure?You look like a rockstar."He said as I was taken aback.

"I'm a model..well sometimes."I blushed again taking off my sunglasses as I wasn't in my best state as Dan kinda stared at me.

"you look familiar."He suggested as I awaited for the words 'rolling stone magazine' to fall from his lips but he just looked away and carried on talking about the guitar.

I let out a sigh of relief as if was nice to have a normal conversation with someone who didn't know who I was.I considered myself irrelevant but with everything going on around me I was always in some sort of spotlight whether it be for good or bad.

"what about that red one?"I pointed towards a Les Paul looking guitar mounted on the wall above the empty gap of the guitar that was currently rested on my lap.

"That's an Epiphone Les Paul..it's a more modern guitar and it's burgundy not red."He corrected me but in a nice way that didn't make me feel stupid as I handed him back the other guitar with a smile and he got me down the red or burgundy whatever one.

"I'll take this one."I said after getting a good look at it.

"That's pretty expensive..like I said it's modern."Dan said with a worried expression spread across his face.

"Price is not a problem for me honey."I smirked as I instantly regretted sounding so snobby.I sounded like my mom..but trampier.

"They pay you well at Vogue?"He asked with a smirk.

"they do."I smiled slightly amusing as I tilted my head at him.

"I've seen you on the cover I think,never expected to see you here but I can't quite think where else I remember you from?"Dan said with pursed lips as Steven walked over.

"I got lost and met my dealer around the corner."Steven mumbled walking over.

"hey Adler,what'd ya think?"I asked holding up the guitar although it was kinda heavy.

"fancy."Steven said. "Looks expensive too."He said.

"It is!"Dan exaggerated.

"This is Dan..this is my best friend Steven."I introduced the two of them as Dan looked relieved.

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