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Anastasia's pov:

Christmas Morning was quiet,Slash hardly spoke to me and woke up abruptly in the morning and left the house then came back after a short trip out but it was all a little awkward.I shouldn't have said that..but it's what I felt in that moment.I had a thing with saying whatever came to my mind,it wasn't a flaw but it never got me into good situations.Much like this one where I was sat eating breakfast with Slash's family on Christmas after crying all night in his arms.

"give me you're bowl."Slash demanded.

"I'm not finished."I protested looking up at him a she stood behind me and took the bowl anyway as he walked away with it.I exhaled loudly,I wasn't going to cause a scene,I atleast owed him that.

"he's just eager to open presents."Ola said as we locked eyes across the dining room table as she gave a poor excuse for her son's strange behaviour. "Anthony and I both got you a little something too..I love spoiling everyone at this time of year."Ola said quickly changing the subject with a smile.She was being kind.

"Thanks!"I said in a surprised tone.

"Don't thank me yet you haven't opened it..you might hate it?"Ola shrugged as I followed her into the living room.

"I shouldn't have drank.."Ash groaned collapsed on the couch as Ola pushed his legs off and sat on the couch beside him.

"wait!"Anthony yelled running into the room as Slash joined my side,pulling my waist so we were close and smiley for a picture as Anthony rushed over with his camera and flashed a pic. "Albion!"Anthony scolded his other son as Ash or 'Albion' got up and wrapped his arm around me effortlessly so I was in the middle of the two brothers.

"Dad you're like the paparazzi.."Slash groaned becoming restless over the multiple flashes of the camera or maybe it was about having his arm around me.I shook it off and I smiled cheerily until he put the camera down and ushered us to open the presents under the fancy tree.

"Anastasia..yours is the red one,Slash is the black-wrapped ones and Ash is purple."Ola pointed.I tore open the nice gift wrapping and revealed a pretty large box..I opened it up to see a huge fluffy,Afghan coat as I gasped.

"Do you like it?"Ola asked with a smile.

"I love it!"I cheered getting up as I approached her awkwardly as she stood up and hugged me.I wasn't sure if she had Christmas spirit but her and I were getting along really well. "I styled one for one of my clients and thought it would look darling on you..and all those paparazzis."Ola winked as I didn't know how to react.

"Thankyou"I said one more time before u turning to Anthony,Slash's dad who held out a pink gift bag for me as I took it with a polite 'thank you' and opened it up.It was a painting...I guess him being an artist meant he made this for me.Jt was beautiful,a picture of Slash and I from some magazine cover we did a while back.

"I remember reading that magazine and seeing the chemistry between you two,I thought you could hang it in your house!"Anthony said sweetly.

"I have an apartment dad."Slash called out as it sorta took me back..I had basically moved in already.

"either way,I hope you like it."Anthony said hugging me as I thanked him again.

Ash got some roller skates and a couple of other little things from his parents and Slash got mostly music related things,record,an amplifier.All together it was perfect.Slash spoke to me on occasion and we even laughed a little despite last night,It was refreshing.Id never experienced a 'happy' Christmas especially with my upbringing,I never really felt like I had a family but I felt like I did with Slash's which hardly made sense since we were supposed to be mad at each other but I found myself laughing at him more than ever,seeking his approval and just always locking eyes with him.

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