No point in lying

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Meeting with him at the same bridge became an everyday routine for you. Well, you could just ditch him, but he knows where you live and knows Mirai, so in order for him not to kill your favourite maid. You said yes to his desires and actually got to know him

He even gave you his phone number. He's such a kid in a message, always using emoticons, just like someone you know

And speaking of messages, your online friend from russia suddenly disappeared. He hadn't replied for a month after your first meeting with Dazai. You missed him

Taking a sighed at your school desk for the tenth time, you looked at another message he sent

"I have a new partner now. Let's talk about him later tonight ( ´∀')"

Your eyes twicthed at his message

"Don't get drunk, or it'll get messy again like last time." You tap sent, and  it waited for his response

You remembered that time he came to your usual meeting spot on time again, but he looked different. He was so drunk and smelled like alcohol. You cringed at the smell. You actually throw up because of the alcohol stench you really hated.

Your flipphone buzzed and looked at the reply he sent

"As always my love(* >ω<)"
You decided not to reply anymore
The other thing you hated him the most was that he treats your relationship like both of you are lovers. Like that one time he got you,your favourite dango. It was the first gift you ever received from someone, and you, of course, blushed and thank him

He teased the hell of you after that.
You really don't care about your relationship with him. Because it felt you are a hostage held at a gun point

"If only I can rewrite him." You groaned and hid your frustrated face using your hands, which none of your classmates had noticed


The school club finally was finished, and you went to the same bridge for a month now. You look at the same spot where he's always waiting and you didn't see him. Instead, you saw a short man but an inch taller than you. A red head with a beautiful face

'He's so pretty'

You are also weak for pretty men

Ignoring him, you waited patiently for Dazai to come. But the pretty boy besides you didn't understand that you don't want anything from him

"Hey, you're Y/N, right?" You flinched when he said your name

"I uhm yes, that's me, I'm sorry, but where did you get my name?" You scotted a little bit away from him, and you heard him groan

"Can't believe you actually exist, Got your name from Dazai." You flinched again at the mention of his name. Because if he knows Dazai them he must be another mafia

But, you realized you can actually read him. You try to fight smirking

"Im sorry, but what is it you want from me?" You looked at him in the eyes, and you saw his eyes widen

"You are Dazai's boyfriend, right? He always brags and talks about you. I just want to know if you were real. " You looked at him dumbfounded. Did Dazai really say all that

"Im sorry, but our relationship is not close as that. In fact, our relationship is really complicated at the moment." You saw him get mad and groan

"Then he was lying?!" You nodded with a smile, but you frown when you heard a familiar whining

"That hurts my prince charming, denying your boyfriend in front of  annoying chibi!" You walked to him while he did his dramatic dialogue and gave him a flick on his forehead

"Idiot! Why did you even say that we are not even that close!?" You screamed at him and grabbed his collar to shake him

"But we always have a secret meeting every night." You saw him blush and look away. He made it sound seductive and lewd

"I really just wasted my time." You heard the pretty boy and turned your head to look at him, but he flew away. He's also an ability user

You let go of Dazai and let him fall on the ground

"Who was he?!, I swear if that mafia guy -" Dazai cuts you off standing and patting your head

"Calm down, honey, that was Chuuya, the new partner," He said and leaned on the railing

"That scared me you know, anyways so what's up?" This is always the start of your everyday conversation with him. It's always talking about his day, mafia works, and how Odasaku is the one he has  biggest respect. He said  some of secrets how his boss and your dad used to be friends now enemies

It's  fine if he wants to talk about himself all the time. You'd rather hear his ted talks,how he hates his job, how he hates dogs. You don't want to share information about yourself, or you'd show your vulnerable side to him. And sharing your own information to the mafia means you want death. Which you wouldn't want yet

But he wants to get closer like a real lover . And you hated it

"I finally got a photo of Odasaku wanna see?!" He said in enthusiasm and you nodded he showed you a picture

It was a picture of a tall man, with facial hair maroon haired. He looks like a man who would like a big family.You saw how Dazai pointed at the maroon haired guy with a big smile

"That's Odasaku, my buddy!" You saw him proudly say.

"Hes good looking" your honest comment and first thought about that man

"I know right, but dont like him!!" He pouted like a kid and you nodded

"Yeah, yeah." You rollled your eyes and Dazai rambled how his day went. You really didn't focus on it because this meeting with him every day made you so bored. You didn't even realize Dazai had questioned you

"Y/N?" You flinched at his deep voice and fixed your composure

"Yes?" You avoided eye contact. You felt a hand on your chin and it was from Dazai forcing you to look at him

"I asked you a question." You titled your head in confusion, but still scared the way his personality took another turn

"Oh right, can you repeat that again?" Dazai had let go of your chin and sighed

"Honestly Y/N!, you shouldn't ignore your date! A handsome man in front of you!" He whined again like a kid. His personality really changed that fast

"That's why I asked you, If you could repeat it again." You irked you turned your head to look down at the running water

"I asked if you had killed someone before?" You froze at his question and you are sure Dazai noticed

"Yes I did once," you dully replied and Dazai was taken aback

"I thought you would lie about it," Dazai teased poking your cheek which you slap his hands away in annoyance

"There's no point in lying to you because you already know me so well. So well that I hate it so much." There you go again, that's why you hate talking about yourself because you show your unsaid feelings

You didn't notice how Dazai blushed and his ears went red

"I see..." That was the end of the conversation he didn't say anything after

𝐓𝐡𝐞𝐞 𝐜𝐚𝐧'𝐭 𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐢𝐬𝐭 𝐝𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐲||bsd x male reader Where stories live. Discover now