forgive me not

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Y/N woke up happier than usual, more happier since his dad called and will be coming later for dinner. It seems that his dad wants to talk about something, even after what happened to their relationship. Y/N still wants that bond, a father and son bond he craves

It was the weekend, so he woke up more earlier to jog and probably buy groceries to cook for dinner later. Y/N was getting used to his adult life. Well, his money still comes from his dad, who gave him a monthly allowance. He didn't worry about money since they were rich, so he just swiped his card without worry

5am jogging change Y/N body pysiche. He used to be short, and now he's slowly growing tall, but not tall enough like Dazai. He used to hate exercise, but now it's like part of his lifestyle, like his love for eating every day. He jogs or exercises every day. Y/N stopped to catch his breath and walked slowly to reach the yokohoma grocery store. Entering, he noticed someone entered wearing a black mask. with those masks, Y/N couldn't read him. But he won't judge someone based on appearance. He's probably just sick, so he wore one, Y/N assumed and finished buying what he needs to buy

Y/N smiled at the plastic bag full of vegetables and meat his holding and walked home. He felt someone following him, so he turned his back, but it was full of people and tourist, he shrugged and walked home

Y/N went home safe and sound he thinks he's just overthinking, especially since he has been kidnapped and molested all his childhood life. Ever since he was six, the kidnapping started from different criminal organizations. He was sometimes got sexually assaulted, or sometimes his fingernails will be taken off, so he will be forced to use his ability and get what they desire

Some of his kidnapping cases police actually came to save him, but it's always been him who saved himself. Y/N never had post traumatic stress disorder because he's so used to it. He's so used that it doesn't really faze him anymore

Back to his home, he placed the groceries he bought and put it inside the fridge. His head turned when he heard his landline ring and walked hurriedly to answer it,he expected it to be his dad. But it was his old friend

"Fukuzawa speaking," Y/N said dully, Y/N waited for a response, and it took too long. Y/N became impatient

"Hello...?" He said again with a tone of frustration sighing he thought it was a prank call. As he was about to end it, a voice finally spoke

"Hey, old friend, it's me, your friend from russia. Im in yokohoma right now. Let's meet up at your favourite bridge later night, Kay? Bye!" Y/N didn't have time to reply, and he slammed the phone harshly

"Why now..." Questions and suspicions filled Y/N head. Why the hell is his old online friend who ghosted him suddenly called and wants to meet up

But Y/N knows it was the russian friend it was not a trap. Because only his russian friend and Dazai know where his favourite bridge is where he used to admire the moon every night. And his voice cannot be Dazai, his voice sounds much more sulrty or much more mature than his. And how the hell did he get his landline number, of course, Y/N will meet him up later,

Stranger danger parents used to say, but too bad Y/N never had parents to say those to him. Not even Mirai


Fukuzawa finally came, and Y/N of course awkwardly greeted his dad

"Uhm thank you for coming dad, I made your favourite beef hotpot" Y/N said scratching his head, he looked at his dad for a moment but flinched when he saw him looking down at him with such fierce eyes, like he always did even at his workers

"Let's go to eat, I guess," Y/N said and escorted his dad to his dining table where they sit at the floor like a traditional Japanese house

Both of them took a seat facing each other

𝐓𝐡𝐞𝐞 𝐜𝐚𝐧'𝐭 𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐢𝐬𝐭 𝐝𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐲||bsd x male reader Where stories live. Discover now