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My thoughts wandered so rampantly I couldn't sleep last night, and I left my book in Karina's room so I couldn't tire my mind with words. But, despite my lack of slumber, I was in a great mood today. Karina was also very cheery, and her smile was ever brilliant.

"My brother has returned safely," she sang excitedly. "I shall visit him in the bathhouse. Come, Sayora. I want to flaunt my newest prize."

I sat my book aside and stood. "Yes, Princess," I nodded and slipped on my shoes.

Axel mentioned that Karina has two siblings: the prince, Kane, and the king, whose name I still do not know. Axel said Karina is particularly close with Kane, especially since they shared the womb and were born mere moments apart. 

Although I haven't seen the king, I know I'm bound to meet him at some point. At first, that thought made me uneasy, but now I can't seem to stop anticipating our interaction. Has the king returned from his trip yet? Did he and Kane accompany one another, or did they leave on separate endeavors? Is the king all right? Has he returned and is now resting somewhere within the castle? If so, wouldn't Karina have said something?

When Karina and I entered the bathhouse, I noticed a male at the far end, the water sheathing his body. I bowed as we approached him, and Karina lowered a bit so I could remove her robe. I then secured it on a hook and stepped aside.

"Welcome back, brother. How long has it been?"

"An exhausting month," he sighed.

My eyes widened. A month? The king has only been gone for a few days. Thus, my assumptions were incorrect, and they did not travel together.

"I can tell. You look beat, and your hair is unkempt." Karina entered the water and sat a few inches away from Kane. I couldn't help but notice the similarities between their features.

"How was it? Did you enjoy your travels? Did you meet any lycan beauties while visiting the packs? Pester me details."

"I did not travel for pleasure, Karina. Although, I should have drowned my cock in a few bodies."

"You did not indulge in at least one?"

"No, I was too busy resolving issues amongst packs and threatening those who refuse to pay their dues. The constant mulling and begging for absolution was a pain to endure," Kane grumbled. "The crown never forgets a debt, so I don't understand why people insist on stalling. It is best to pay what they owe and stop the fucking games," he huffed in annoyance.

"Do not rile yourself."

"I'm not, but I must learn to stop volunteering my time. At this rate, I'll grow a grey before the next season."

Karina chuckled. "It sounds to me like you need a release."

"I do."

Karina then pressed Kane for more information, and Kane divulged additional details about his trip. He listed the packs he visited and the obstacles he faced on the road. Kane also mentioned how he traveled with a small platoon that trekked entirely in beast form. They rarely stopped to rest, only taking shelter once they reached their destinations. Kane said traveling nonstop for a month left him and his warriors exhausted.

"I hope you are not too tired to attend The Gathering."

"Fuck. Is that tonight?"

"It is," Karina voiced, calling me forward. "Speaking of, this is my new servant, Sayora."

"Ahh, your newest pet. Have you worn her out yet?"

Karina jolted her gaze to Kane and glowered. "Mind your tongue. Sayora is still innocent."

The Forbidden Entity (BWWM)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora