Chapter 3

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The school hallway was packed with students. Each engrossed in their own business to notice the girl with a hoodie over her head and earphones on her ears as she made her way to the classroom. A sickly smile on her face.

Maybe that was her intention all along. Blend in and go unnoticed. That made things a lot easier to hide. Her black hair with golden highlights that are hair strands of pure gold and red eyes were traits that gave her away. Something that would bring unnecessary attention and unwanted danger to her.

The Azalea are the forces acting behind government. Everyone knows about them. They're powerful but not many has seen them.

The earphones in Auburn's ears were playing her favourite song.

She remembered last night's events and it bought a smile to her face. It kept her awake all night but it was so worth it, she thought.

It was sick and sadistic but Auburn Azalea was no ordinary girl. She was a lot more. A lot more twisted than any ordinary, boring highschool student.

She made her way to her first class. Maths.

She was greeted by Mrs.Sinclair by a polite smile which she completely ignored .

She frowned. Disappointment clear on her face.

Students were settling in and class was about to start. Most of the students were always late. But she was not. Getting here early would always get her a seat at the back that hides her well among students.

She made her way towards the back seat, dragging her legs along with her. Last nights tiredness and her disappointment was finally catching up to her.

Few minutes later she was out like a light as sleep consumed her.


Auburn pov.

I slept through maths class.

The classroom is filled with a bunch of students that are definitely not on my batch since I don't have any class with any of them. Mrs.Sinclair as usual is teaching maths but it was a topic that we didn't cover.

Looks like my short nap lasted a whole period.

Being quite and unnoticed had its prod and cons. One of them being no one would disturb you even if you slept in class.

I was about to grab my bag and get out when something hit my head.

A piece of paper fell near my leg as I turned to see the idiot who threw it at me.

Blond hair, silver eyes and his infamous smirk that seems to be permanent on his annoying face stares right at me.

Ash Raven. Azalea's rival and my arch nemesis. The one I despise yet cannot kill.

Belive me, my hand itches to slice his throat at feed him to the dogs. I'm sure I'll enjoy it much more than Justin's . But that's the only thing I cannot do no matter how much I want to.

He never fails to irritate me and I'm sure one day I'll forget about the goddamn rules and punch his perfect face out of proportion.

Ash sneaked to the seat next to me that was conveniently empty.

"What a pleasant surprise Abby" he said

"Shove that nickname up your ass Raven. My fist is so eager to meet your face. Don't test my patience "

"I'm hurt Abby. I was just really happy to see you again. Didn't you miss me." He teased.

He bought his hand near my face.

"If I were you, I wouldn't do that " I said before he could tuck my loose hair strand behind my ears.

He quickly pulled his hand back.

"I wonder why the past few weeks were rather peaceful. Now I know. I suggest you remain out of my sight until the grand ceremony is over Ash. Unless you want to turn up with a black eye." I said with a straight face but inside my blood boiled with anger.

"So you do remember my name" he said with a sly grin.

I took my bag and went out of the class as the rest of the students and teachers paused to look but soon turned to continue their lesson.

I made my way towards the rooftop. I had my hoodie pulled over my face. No one really saw my face and that was good in a sense.

I sat on the wall with my feet dangling. One wrong move and I would be six floors down and dead.

I pulled my hood down. No one visits here so I was free.

I let out a sigh in relief. My hair let free as it sways along the breeze.

I took out my pack of cigarettes, bringing one to my face and lighting it.

I took one long drag as my body relaxed.

Today was...eventful.

When I heard Ash would attend here, I was angry. It was all obviously Azalea and Raven's . It's like we were sworn enemies from the moment we met. Somehow he always managed to get on my nerves and I hated him for everything.

That's the only thing we agree upon.

The one thing that doesn't go my way. The one thing that's out of my control. Ash Raven.

Those damn rules have tied my hands and there's no way I can kill him.

My thoughts were interrupted when I heard the noise of door rattling, catching me by surprise.

Just as I was about to pull my hood back, my eyes caught glimpse of something or rather someone that stopped me in track.

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