Chapter 4

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Auburn stares at the person infront of her.

His black hair cascades effortlessly, framing his enigmatic face, while his ocean blue eyes seem to hold dark's secrets within their depths. There's a magnetic allure to his gaze, drawing her in like moths to a flame.

Little did she know the turmoil of emotions within him.

She stood there as the gentle breeze caressed her skin. Her sleek black hair swaying softly in the wind, catching the sunlight just right to reveal golden, shiny highlights that dance with each gust of wind. It's a mesmerizing sight, like strands of liquid gold woven into the darkness, creating a captivating contrast that's both natural and ethereal.

Her eyes are a striking shade of red, adding an intense and captivating contrast to her overall appearance.

Just then the alarms went off. Students screams and shouts could be heard as both of them looked confused.

She went past him towards the door only to find that water filled the floors.

The fire alarms had went off and the students were running outside the building as teachers tried to calm them down.

She turned to look at the mysterious stranger only to find him right next to her, her breath caught it throat as he held her hand and hurried down the stairs.

He looked alert as he quickly made his way towards where everyone was and held her hand tight, guiding her with him.

All this while she could not get her eyes off him. Confused by her own actions.

As they reached to where everyone was, he disappeared into the crowd.

But Auburn was in a trance to notice it. The crowd, the shouts, her wet clothes, the fire alarms and the warnings from teachers or Mrs.Sinclair shouting to get her attention amidst the frantic crowd.

And just before she knew it she was outside the school along with the others.

Her attention went towards the principal who was cursing at his phone and then towards the girls who were complaining about their makeup being ruined and then at her hoodie that was pulled down.

she gasped in horror as she quickly pulled it up cursing at her ignorance.

But she was too late.

A group of infamous bullies saw her. Their mouths wide in surprise and some in awe. Auburn was unaware of it as sighed in relief that she was not caught amidst the chaos. Her unique features stand out more than necessary.

Kyle, Devin, Liam, Giana and Risa. Justin was a part of them too. The worst among them but that doesn't mean they're any less. They've been together since preschool. Maybe it's true that birds of the same flock fly together or something.

Turns out the fire alarm was a prank.

The whole school was drenched in water so the school was let out early.

Not a good news for Auburn. One of the reasons being she didn't see the mysterious stranger after that. And the other being her parents.

The last time she saw them was at the meeting that she walked out from. She was sure it was not gonna be good when she returns.

She went few kilometres away from home from the bus. Her car was parked in a garage and she drove home from there. This was her usual schedule and today was no different.

She caught a bus, getting off on a stop nowhere near her home. She walked five minutes to the garage, grabbing her keys to open the door when the engine of a car was heard and the headlights hit her face.

It was not her car but a black suv with the Azalea logo at front.

She understood the situation,quickly recognising the car as she got in.

"I'm in trouble" she state the obvious

"Very much." Gabriel replies

Gabriel has been with her family for many years now. He's her father's assistant and before that her grandfather's. He and her father are close friends, more like her father's only friend and one of the few who can bare him.

"What you did at the meeting was very disrespectful young lady." He said his serious demeanour about to crack any minute.

"Common Gabri, it was funny" she says as he cracks a laugh disguising it as a cough.

"Your grandfather found it funny" he says as she raises her eyebrow at the comment

"The old hag? Good that his humour sense has not expired. I did put up quite a show"

"Auburn Azalea!" Gabriel warns tired and a bit amused by her antics.

"Geez boomer. It was a joke"

"Just make sure you don't joke around infront of your parents. Their humour sense has definitely expired " he said as they both burst out laughing.

Their laugh seized as they reached infront of Azalea Mansion.

She was not afraid of her parents or what was about to come but she was sure as hell sick and tired of it.

Gabriel got out first and opened the door for Auburn as she got out too.

"Be careful and please don't fuel their anger."he says worried

"You know how it is."

They both made their way inside as Gabriel lead her to her father's study but that wasn't needed as they met with both of them on the living room.

The room was a mess. Pile of alcohol bottle lined up on the floor. Glass shattered and her father drinking a glass of vodka, his eyes red in anger. His red coloured pupil and the red making a perfect contrast of a pissed off Max.

Everything happened in a blur and the next moment Auburn was on the floor, her cheeks stung and bruise forming with the recent slap as an angry Max stoop before her.

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