Chapter 20

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Didn't have the time to edit properly. Let me know if there's any mistakes.



"Hey! How was it?" She was engulfed into Kaleb's arms. She patted his back and nodded in his embrace. She had just come back from Emily's house. She never thought she could ever enjoy herself this much, but she did.

They spent their time telling each other stories, watching movies, cooking and baking. It was a blast. It felt too good to be true. She knew this happiness would not last. It was a feeling she knew all too well. A gut wrenching feeling.

"We're all in the movie room watching, do you want to join us or are you too tired" he withdrew from the hug so she could type her response. "No, I'm not tired. I want to join you guys" he didn't even wait a second before dragging her along with him.

"Hey" she flinched at the volume of all their voices. The lights were dimmed but she could still see them. She offered as smile, waving at them and made her way to the available space between Vincenzo and Raphael.

"How was the sleepover" Vincenzo asked.

"It was great, thanks for allowing me to go"

"I won't deny you from attending or doing anything unless it puts you or others in danger" she just smiled and nodded, feeling satisfied with his answer. It was reasonable to her. Why turn someone down just because you feel like it or it boosts your ego.

She couldn't help but compare him to Ethan. Her egotistical and narcissistic cousin. Vincenzo was everything you would want in a caregiver. Although he was stoic and void of any emotions, he made sure his siblings were always doing good, stopping and preventing all sorts of conflicts between them. All thanks to his ways, the twins now got along with the triplets as well as everyone else. Whenever she was around him she would automatically tense, not out of fear....

Ok maybe a little.

But she always respected him for taking on the responsibility of taking care of his siblings, how he always puts his family first, making sure everyone has had a good day. Every day after school he would ask how their day has been and if they had been in any trouble. During the weekends he would take time off work to spend it with his brothers, even if it meant just spending two hours. Although his facial expressions didn't show it, his actions did. They showed how much he cares for them.

Kalani hadn't realised she fell asleep halfway into the movie and was now leaning on Raphael's shoulder. Her neck was positioned uncomfortably, he adjusted it so that her neck wouldn't be stiff when she awakes. When the movie was over he gently lifted her in his arms and carried her to her room.

Kaleb was surprised that she didn't flinch. Normally she was a light sleeper and hated being touched even by him. She'd rather be woken up so she could go to her room on her own.
"Mummy" the little baby shook his sleeping mother. Her eyes blinked a few times before she got used to the beaming lights surrounding them. She was surprised at how this tiny baby was able to speak. She stared at him for a few more seconds taking in his appearance. He looked like a miniature version of her, face beaming with a heavenly glow.

"Yes my dear" she sat up, bringing him closer to her. "Why don't you love me mummy?" The questioned struck her.
"What do you mean baby? I love you so much and you know that."

"No you don't" he shook his head and snatched his hands from her embrace. "If you loved me you would've never doubted me or my existence"

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