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Judge Greenwood:

I used to be an arrogant man, a cruel one even. I was a womanizer and ruined my body by being an alcoholic and a smoker. I believed that I was untouchable and brilliant because I was handsome and clever. But now I am a shadow of the man that I used to be. My eyes are bloodshot and red, my hands are bent with arthritis and shake due to my withdraw symptoms.  I am getting punished for the many mistakes I made in my life. I may be a rich man but I am far from happiness.

I am describes and being a brutal, stoic man who didn't even raise his eyebrows to hardened criminal crying like a baby after receiving their sentence. I wasn't afraid of cases that even brave people got fearful. But there was only one case that truly frightened me. It is a man called jack the smiler. He mutilates his victims faces by cutting a bloody smile into their terrified faces. I have seen many crying families and orphaned children because of this monster. But one of the things that scares me the most is his mind. Even the most esteemed psychiatrist can't explain what is going on in that mans head and how he evades capture for so long. There has been no evidence apart from one handwritten note that says the same thing every time "They were sad one but they will never cease smiling now.

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