Teaser 1 - the sequel

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Hello my dear readers❤️

I hope you have a nice and warmer spring than I have. 😊 I actually just stopped by to finally give you a short teaser from the upcoming sequel to this book. I'm not yet finished with the book or ready to publish anything and therefore some changes may be made in this part in the final production. But I hope you think it's okay and will like it.❤️ I think you will get one or two more teasers in the future as well.😊

I've asked the question about what teasers you want to read and several of you have commented and even messaged me what you would like, which is fun. 😁

You wanted both drama and humour, a lot of you also wished for sweet and sassy moments. Therefore, I have chosen a not too dramatic part, but still a part that I myself like a lot.

Ryan: "Well excuse me?! Drama comes in different ways, and this is motherfucking drama!"
Reed: "Language."
Ryan: "Reed is poisoning me!"
Reed: "Don't be silly..."
Ryan: "The ginger-doom of death!!!!!!"
Reed: "Now you're being dramatic." 🙄
Ryan: "Drama, like I said." 😌
Reed: "Shall we let Hanna continue now?"
Ryan: "Well... I wanna show them the drama... So carry on!" 😏😎

......Anyhow, as the sequel will be from both Ryan's and Reed's perspective, this part is from Reed's P.O.V. I hope you appreciate this little piece and have a continued pleasant day/evening/night/morning wherever you are in the world when reading this. 🥰

Love from Hanna.❤️

Ryan *clears throat*: "What about us?!"
Reed: "Ryan..."
Ryan: "Maybe we wanna greet our fans as well?!"

Okay, love from Hanna,

Ryan: "Me first!!!!"
Reed *rolls his eyes*🙄

LOVE from Ryan, Hanna and Reed❤️

Ryan: "She should have mentioned us after each other. Together!"
Reed: "Now that's enough!"
Ryan: "Now that's enough! Hey! You're so boring!"😑
Reed: "Have a nice read everyone."



Reed's P.O.V.

"Given that Riley has moved to Europe, maybe a collaboration with a Nordic company would be a winning concept? I'm sure some shifter over there knows someone or is working within this area?" I hummed as an answer, nodding slightly.

"You're right, it's worth asking anyway. Can't you bring Mike too? We still have collaboration with his company thanks to Angus so why not ask for their help as well?"

"Sure," Alex beamed at me. She shuffled around among the papers as I leaned back in the chair, rolling back my shoulders.

"We can ask if there is anyone there with knowledge of those vehicles," Otto filled in. "Angus said they are well ahead over in the Nordic countries in the development of them."

"Yes..." I answered trailingly as I raised my nose.

I glanced to the side as I caught my mate's scent. Further down the aisle I could glimpse his feet at the bottom of the shelf. I smiled to myself as I turned back to the others to pretend I didn't notice him. It was clear and obvious how he didn't want that.

In the corner of my eye, I could see him pass us before hearing how he scurried off towards the door with Mr. Sparkles close behind. What was my adorable mate up to?

I could tell how he wasn't in any dismay, neither any troubled feelings of that kind. Did I sense some mischief? But why? He never did anything naughty in that way... But he used to get those feelings when he was about to do something he may think I wouldn't approve, in not a too serious context. I grinned almost smugly, leaning back. My so sweet but too naive mate.

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