💢 First Sibling Quarrel 💢

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Princess Primrose is A Year Old. and the Pop/Rock Trolling already causing mischief... Leading to her Accidentally hurting Lucky...

Primrose: *Gnawing On The Leg Of A Chair* 🪑

Frisk: Primrose?! 😧

Her Father ran over And Tried pulling her off the leg of the chair without hurting her. But she wouldn't budge!

Primrose: *Biting Into The Chair, Not Letting Go* Grrrrrr! 😈

Rosie: *Walks Into the kitchen*

Rosie: Uhhhh... 😐

Frisk: Rosie Help Me! She's Teething Again. 😥

Rosie: Oh Boy! 😥

The Lavender Colored Pop Queen immediately searched through the cupboards for Primrose's Favorite baby food. Showing her the food always Convinces her to leg go of whatever she's chewing on.

It was Normal for Baby Trollings to Teeth, it helps their teeth grow in... but this is getting out of hand! Despite current having only ONE Tooth, She sure knew how to use it like A Weapon!

Primrose: *Still Won't Let Go* ^^

Rosie: *Shows Her Daughter the Jar* Look Primrose! It's your favorite! Strawberry Banana flavor! 😄

Primrose: *Lets Go* :O

Rosie: Yeah, That's Right! 😄

The Little Pink Princess Crawled Over To Her Mother, Thankfully She was more Interested in Baby food than Furniture.

Primrose: Maa baa! 😮

Rosie: *Spoon Feeds Her Some of the Food* 🥄

Primrose: 😋

Frisk: *Phew* 😮‍💨

Frisk: We Need to Buy Her More Teething Toys!

Rosie: Yeah, I Still Can't Believe She Was Able To Chew THROUGH The Old Ones. 0_0

Suddenly The Retired King Branch Walked Into The Kitchen to Make Himself A Cup Of Coffee.

Primrose: *Is Happy to See Her Grandpa* Paaaaa! 🤗

Branch: Oh... Hey Primrose... ☕️😅

Primrose: *Crawls Closer to Him*

Branch: *Backs Away* Uhhh... ☕️😥

Rosie: I Think She Wants You To Hold Her. 😄

Branch: H-Hold Her? I Don't Know, She's Been Really... Nippy Lately... ☕️😥

Frisk: Oh Come On. A Teething Trolling Can't Be THAT Dangerous right?

Branch: *Has PTSD From When Clampers The Country Trolling Bit Him on The Butt* 👁️👄👁️💧

Lucky: Can I please hold her Mom?

Rosie: Sure Lucky. Just remember to be careful ok?

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