The misfits

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A smile forms on your face seeing Luna after your disastrous match with Heidi Lee Morgan plus the bullying from other stars wasn't helping your self esteem. You had been on the roster with WWE for a year and not only didn't find your place amongst the roster as a whole but you also had no friends with the few being luna, Diesel, Stone Cold, the Hart Foundation, and Bradshaw who welcomed you with open arms and took time to know you outside of wrestling especially luna who understood the feeling of never having a place to belong and feeling unwanted so she took you under her wing and soon the friendship began to blossom into something more which startled and terrified both of you. The two of you kept your budding romance a secret from everyone else and no one surprisingly paid attention to the extra time the two of you spent together until the two of you get caught sharing a kiss backstage by Razor Ramon, you ran and locked yourself in a supply closet after hearing some of the shitty words razor said in the ring while luna threw things around backstage leading to complete chaos while you had a panic attack which got worse when the door suddenly flew open only to see diesel who picked you up and took you outside while Shawn calmed down luna since he was the truest friend luna really had other than Sherri. "Look at me, no one's gonna harm you" you wanted to believe kevin badly but you knew what some of your fellow wrestlers thought and when you see bradshaw come out, your heart sinks until he crouches down in front of you "I kicked his ass and I'll do it again if either of you ask" you laugh sharing a hug with the larger men before walking back in to find luna running around before she had you pulled into her arms surrounded by your close friends leading to a night of groundbreaking change for the two of you, wrestling, and the start of an act for equality and despite the hate you both received on and off over the next few years, the two of you were still misfits but now you were even more loved by fans despite always being misfits.

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