Bee sting

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The barbeque between all of your friends was going great as drinks are shared and food is made in between swimming and more people coming by over the next hour. You yelp when you see a bee before running away until you feel like your hand was on fire only to see that the bee stung you, immediately you go inside and look for the stinger when your best friend Jimmy walked in the room as you began to cry over not being able to see or find the stinger as jimmy gently held and looked at your hand once you told him about being stung right before he says "I found it but I can't use the tweezers, I'm gonna have to suck it out" if your heart didn't stop when he said that then it did when he started nipping and lightly sucking on your hand for the fifteen minutes until he smiles at you with the stinger between his teeth and that only turned you to putty as you put a wet wash cloth on your hand. "You know I care for you right?" you nod as he grabs your wrist and leads you to the basement of your house which leaves you before placing his hand on your shoulders, he slowly leans towards you until your foreheads were pressed together before lightly pressing his lips to your own for a few seconds leading to slow paused kisses for a few minutes until you whisper against his lips, "I've loved you for so long" you had been in love with him since you met him while training with Roman in the last few months of your NXT run before transferring to WWE and being taken under Rey Mysterio's wing while the two of you became the best of friends from the moment a joke is shared when you began talking to each other. "You have me in the palm of your hand, ever since the night on the beach I..I can never get you out of my mind" a smile forms on your face at the mention of the trip to the beach you took with him and his family two and a half years back not too long after his divorce with Naomi, the two of you lose yourself in each other's arms as a passionate kiss is shared until a yell from Jey upstairs stops the moment in it's tracks, "Yo Uce! Ripley pressing Roman!" both of you quietly laugh before sneaking back out only to see Rhea squatting with roman over her shoulders until you hear Dom "Hey why were you in the basement? You rarely go down there" you and jimmy look at each other wide eyed at the statement which makes roman chuckle as jey chokes on his drink and Sami winks when you lock eyes with each other before mouthing "Don't you dare" only earning a grin in return.

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