100 miles per hour

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Hey yall, this chapter deals with extremly heavy subject beware

Tw: Sh
        Suicidal thoughts
        S/A (doesnt happen just mentioned)

Travis' pov:

My head throbbed as i gripped it in my hands, heaving i stood up, looking at my father "stay down you faggot!" A harsh kick to my ribs made me fall back down, "mommy" i sobbed, reaching for her unconcious body. I watched as my father undressed her from her blood stained pants, she was bleeding everywhere, i watched him tend to her wounds with a smile "so!" He sounded so chipper, so...okay.

"Ice cream son?" He smiled at me, but i couldnt talk, so i nodded instead. He helped me up, rubbing my back. "Dont worry son, she'll be okay, women are disgusting creaturs, but they are resilliant. I dont say anything as we get into the car, my entire body hurt, my blood wasnt cleaned off like my mothers. "Where are we going for ice cream father?" He didnt answer, but you could hear his hands tightening on the wheel. It was late, really late, so nothing was open, but to refuse his offer...I shake the thought before letting ut go further, his hands on me, my face in a pillow. I felt dirty and sticky, but i couldnt cry, not now.

The car went faster, faster then its ever gone, we flew down the road and i grabbed onto the bar "please...you're scaring me" i cried again, he sneered "just like your mother, you fucking sissy, be a god damn man" he grumbled, and in a flash i was wailing, grabbing onto his shoulder as he parked in the middle of a busy street "NO PLEAS3 NO MOVE PLEASE" I  screamed  "NOOOO" I cry, the car went flying down the road as he picked up the speed again, I kicked at the door, clicking open the handle. I felt my heart sink when his hand grabbed my shoulder, and my body was met with the fast concreate. I rolled a few meters until i was stopping, i layed in the middle of the street, i think i broke something, but i couldnt tell, not through the constant ach all over my body. Panting I look up at the sky. "Holy shit dude!" I heard someone scream, and pounding feet. My father didnt come back, his headlights disappeared arpund the corner. My eyes shut, trying to ignore how someone dragged me from the street to the sidewalk. It wasnt until i noticed the blue hair that i shot up. Pulling away from him, sal.

"Travis holy fucking shit, are you okay?!" He sounded panicked, out of breath. I nod, holding my head, "you fell out of a fucking car dont lie!", he came down to the level, brushing away my hair as someone wrapped it into a ponytail behind me. It was ash, she was the last person I wanted to see. Dont cry dont cry dont cryyyyy. I begged in my head, but it hurt so bad, i pick myself up, looking at sal and ash "please just...i cant be seen with you" i whisper, the street was dark and quiet, and my father could be anywhere. I back away slowly until im running down the street, back to the house, across the school grounds, by our public pool  by the forest hy the apartments until im finally home. I limped and pulled myself up and through the door, my mom was naked on the kitchen floor, and i whimper at the sight of her. "Oh mommy" I grabbed the arms and drag her upstairs, i pick out her clothes and carefully place them back on.

I run my fingers through her hair carefully, avoiding the matted blood and hair. I kiss her forehead and go back downstairs, i syart cleaning the blood and glass, the smashes bottle of wine against the wall. But eventually, when it was quiet, when all i could hear was our granfather clock, i broke. My crues turned into sobs turned into wails, i hug my body, the dirtiness was back. The feeling of his hands and his spit, his mouth and tongue. I shake, i couldnt hold it in any longer. My body was on auto pilot as I run up to my room, slamming the door behind me, i search through my drawers for my blade, the sharp cold metal calmes me down as i squeezed it between my fingers. The relife, the pain and blood, it felt so good, like a weight was lifted from my shoulders.

I wanted to rip my skin off, i wanted it to all stop. I want it to stop i want it to stop i want it to stop. It repated in my head until I had no more room on my arms, not until i was in the kitchen again witb a a bat, destroying everything i could, i smashes the glass on the table, then the chairs, the oven, even our family pictures "ITS A LIE ALRIGHT, ITS ALL A BIG LIE" i scream, into nothing, to nobody.

God hated me, he wanted me to die, he needed me to die, i pull my phone out of my pocket, my finger shook above sal's contact.


Sal held my fist in his hand "everythings ok" he whispered, grabbing my phone, my body shook as i gripped the toilet seat, vomit stuck to my lips "this is for whenever you need me" he grabbed his bag and left.

Flashback over:

I wipe the spit from my mouth, clicking call, it rung a few times before he picked it up "sal fisher speaking" he sounded much calmer then before. "Sal?..." my voice was weak "i fucked up" i cried into the phone, i felt like a little kid again, gripping onto my mothers dress as i sobbed in her arms, i felt her hand on my back still, the warmth and her seeet flowerly again. "Travis? Its ok, come over ok?", i hang up on him, leaving the house again in shambles.

Sal's pov:

When travis hung up thats all the conformation i needed. I look back up at the group, "you seriously invited that dick over?" Larry was the first to speak "he was pushed out of a fucking car larry, its the least I can do" I wasnt taking his bullshit about travis right now, my head throbbed with anxiety as i paced my room. Larry stayed quiet.

"Sal?!" I leave my room and go to the front door "travis...hey" i smile softly, my voice was calm. He doesnt say anything, i pull him into my room, and the group sat there quietly, i looked between all of them, not saying anything "you look like shit" larry snarked "shut up flamer" he wiped his eyes with his blood stained sleeves, and we stay quiet. Me and travis got close over the year, but he never got close with anyone in the group. I stay quiet as i hand him a sweater "change ok? You're all dirty" i try to laugh, but i could see in his eyes it hurt to hear, "i am...arent i?" It didnt sound like a question.

He went into the bathroom and i joined the group "hes a mess, sal he cant stay here he needs to leave" ash whispered, "im all for second chnaces but he needs help we cant give him, abuse or not i dont care about him that way" why were they acting like this? So mean, so vile. I turn back to travis hiccuping "im sorry" he mumbled and handed me back his sweater "i'm going" he didnt say anything and left the room again.

I never saw travis phelps again.

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⏰ Last updated: May 08 ⏰

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