Hybe Building

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A/N: We're going to be moving time a bit fast to get momentum going and beware, after this,  there will be drama and potential triggers in the following chapter.

Yoongi's POV

After you went to clean up, Yoongi moved around in a daze, gathering your pj shorts and tank top and setting them on the bed for you to change, then he got under the covers, his back to the bed frame, and waited for you to come out.

Once you did, you smiled sweetly at him and his whole body shivered. He could never explain how, when or where he had fallen so irrevocably in love with you, but he would never regret it.

“Get dressed, princess, we both need our beauty sleep. It was an eventful night.” His voice was deep and he could see how you trembled.

None of you said anything as you got dressed or got under the covers, immediately throwing your arm around his waist and laying your head on his bare chest. Yoongi rubbed circles on your back as your breaths became more steady.

In a whisper he said, “I love you, Y/N. Thank you for tonight, for yesterday, for tomorrow and for every single second you are willing to give me. I love you.” He kissed your hair.

“I love you too,” you mumbled and cuddled even closer to him before finally falling asleep.

Yoongi couldn't sleep. He was afraid that if he did, he'd wake up to realize that all of this had been a dream, a wonderful, amazing dream, and he refused to let it go. From the second you stepped into that coffee shop, his life was turned upside down and he knew that the second you said yes to being with him, you had essentially given up your privacy and normalcy and he was adamant to make it worth it for you and to protect you at all costs.

He was awake for a couple of hours, just basking on the warmth he felt by holding you and the calmness you exuded. It had been the first time that you slept in the same bed that you slept peacefully, you usually fidgeted or moaned. Sure, you slept throughout the night, which according to you, was more than you did when you were alone, your trauma induced insomnia being to blame.

You had told him that before you slept together, you hadn't slept through the night in years and right then at that moment, it seemed like you were really enjoying your rest. Yoongi held you closer, buried his face in your hair and finally drifted to sleep. He had never been religious, but he was grateful to whomever was out there for being with you.

The following morning Yoongi got up before you did, he didn't want to disturb you and so he was extremely delicate and quiet with his moves. Now, Yoongi knew you didn't eat breakfast and he also suspected that when you did, it wasn't Korean breakfast, you most likely ate western food. After the previous night's activities, he figured you needed more energy than what a cup of coffee could provide you with, so he decided to make breakfast.

He rummaged through his pantry and found the necessary ingredients for pancakes. That was easy and safe enough and so he went at it.

When he was nearly done with a neat stack of them, he heard soft thuds coming towards the kitchen and a few moments later, you came through the door. Your hair in a bun and your face, freshly washed. You were walking barefoot.

“Good morning, love. Did I wake you?” He asked with a grin. He loved how you looked in the mornings. It was adorable. You blushed at him calling you love and he loved that even more.

“Not really, it was the delicious smell of whatever it is you're cooking.” You walked up to him and pecked his lips, he could taste your mouthwash.

“It's just pancakes. I figured you'd want some breakfast to replenish your energy.” He wiggled his eyebrows, teasing you.

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