Crazy Week

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A/N: I know I said the drama would begin in this chapter, but I miscalculated. It will be on the next one.

Yoongi's POV

Yoongi kept his promise and the chicken was ready when you reached the small place on your way home. He loved that place, it was one of the best chicken spots in Seoul.

You got home, ate and talked. Just like the last weekend you spent together you watched movies and napped. Yoongi didn't know how he was going to survive the entire tour without you, it scared the crap out of him, because he was already used to seeing you often and he had never slept better than he did when you were in his arms. He knew you did too. If only you could come with him.

“You're staying here tomorrow night too, right?” Yoongi asked as he pulled you to him under the covers that night. He was hoping to convince you to spend more nights at his place, but so far, he hadn't been successful.You were still wary of anyone finding out about your relationship and your parents finding out about it through gossip sites.

“Yeah, I am.” You cuddled closer.

“But not on Monday?”

“Not on Monday,” you turned to face him and kissed his nose, before tucking yourself in his neck, “I told you. I'd be stuck here, without you and even when you come home at night, I'd have to leave early in the morning because I'm swamped with the Hybe deal. Maybe after the meeting on Friday I can come over? Will you be done with the MV by then?”

“Ne,” he pulled you closer, “it will be done by Wednesday, then on Thursday is the shooting for the videos that play when we change outfits during the tour and on Friday we're recording some voice overs for those. I should be done around four on Friday, I might be able to pick you up.” That thought made him happy, even when his week was going to be hell.

“Let the wild rumpus start!” you giggled.

“Hu? The what?”

“It's from a children's book. I'll get it for you one day.” You were already closing your eyes.

Yoongi couldn't help but think that maybe one day you could take turns and read that book to your kids. It was a scary yet exciting thought.

Sunday came with a lazy morning and breakfast in bed, after which you did the dishes and decided to take a shower while Yoongi made the bed.

His phone rang and he was shocked to see it was his mom calling. Yoongi made sure he could hear the shower running and stepped out into the living room before answering.

“Hello, eomma.” He tried to sound like he usually did.

“Yoongi-ya, it's been like two months since you last called and I've been worried! Then I see your face plastered all over the news saying you threatened to quit the band and fought with Namjoona. Then there was the press conference. What's going on?” Her tone was accusatory.

“Eomma, calm down. Everything was a misunderstanding, Namjoona and I, we both reacted like children to some disagreements, but everything is fine. Just ask my brother, he knows.”

“Oh, I did. And I got the feeling that he's hiding something from me. Something that happened between him having lunch with you and me talking to him.”

Yoongi's blood ran cold. Nothing could escape his mom's sharp mind and her harsh opinions. Would he be able to lie to her or even just deflect the subject? Probably not, but he knew you weren't ready yet and truth be told…he didn't think anyone would ever be ready to face his parents.

“What are you hiding from me, Yoongi? Are the rumors about your fight with Namjoona true?”

She had him there. He couldn't lie and he wouldn't deny you. It wasn't fair to you and besides, he was damn fucking proud of you wanting and being with him.

What never should've happened.Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon