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A/N: Trigger warning. Y/N will face serious things in this chapter.

Yoongi's POV

It was eleven p.m. on wednesday and Yoongi hadn't seen your face since the videocall on Monday. You had texted back and forth but then there were hours of silence.

He had wrapped the second day of the MV shoot and had to be on site at seven the following morning. He wanted to talk to you but it was too late. When he finally had a break around 9:45 he saw you had texted him an hour earlier saying you were only just leaving your office and that you planned on working for a bit when you got home and then, just then when he was getting in the car, he noticed he had another text around 10:30 saying you were going to take a sleeping pill and that you'd text him tomorrow.

He had missed every chance to talk to you. It dawned on him that right now you were in the same city and were having trouble finding the right time to talk to each other. What would happen when he was in a completely different time zone over ten hours ahead of you…when will you ever find time to talk to each other? He missed you.

After his nightly routine he sent you a simple text saying he was home and that he loved you and went to bed, too spent to even think about anything else.

On Thursday, Yoongi barely had time to eat. They were cramming to finish on time. The vocal line had finished around seven and now it was only the rap line that had some shots and with any luck, they'd be done around nine.

“I forgot the amount of work that goes into shooting an mv,” Namjoon said as he plopped himself on the makeup chair beside Yoongi. He was sweating the make up off at an alarming rate, but in his defense, the lights were to fucking bright inside the studio, “I'm ready to be done.”

“Same,” echoed Hobi. Who had had it worse than the rest of them, having come up with the choreo.

“Come on guys, just one more take. I'm exhausted as well, but if we can do it in one take, we can be in bed in forty five minutes.” Yoongi was urging them because he needed to leave and try to talk to you before you went to bed.

“We know, hyung,” Namjoon said,knowingly, “we'll make it on time, don't worry.”

And as if he needed another reason to love his brothers, they both delivered and got the take in one go. The director announced the wrap on the video and Yoongi was out the door before Hobi was out of his outfit for the day.

“Are we in a hurry to get home, Yoongi-ya?” Seojun asked him as they jumped in the car.

“No, just in a hurry to get somewhere secluded where I can talk to my girl,” Yoongi said as he was already hitting send on his phone and you picked up on the second ring.

“Hi, jagiya,” you said in a sleepy voice. You had your thick glasses on, a messy bun on your head and were sitting on your couch.

“Hi princess, still working?” He couldn't help but think how beautiful you were.

“Yeah,” you yawned, “but I'm almost done,” you checked your watch, Yoongi knew the time, it was nine thirty, “you finished early, love. How was it?”

Seojun heard you call him love and he smiled at Yoongi through the rearview mirror. So that was what had happened during the weekend.

“Tiring and wet,” you gave him a questioning look, “there's a scene that's supposed to happen under the pouring rain. At least that helped with the heat today. It was unreasonably warm today, it's supposed to be spring.”

“Really? Ugh, I was stuck in the office all day, a/c weather for me. It will be the same tomorrow, but after the meeting, I'll be free for the weekend and I'm planning on sticking to you like glue, I miss you, jagiya.”

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