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For the next week, we, The twins, Lee, me and Anushka were quite having nore fun. Us hanging around usually, she would sometimes go with her own friends, Ginny and Luna to which I think they are now best friends but I hope Anushka doesn't utter a word about her being from the future and all the stuffs.

She has became friends with majy students, who I didn't knew myself for the time I've been here. From all the houses, Slytherin to Ravenclaw.

She had been more open than she was before, she is now an ambivert. Before she used to not utter a word and just glare at everyone, the glaring part has not changed but she is now more talkative.

Which is good of course.

Apart from that, her classes, everyone is good with her except our favourite Umbridge, note the sarcasm.

She has been keeping an eye on her from the very start of the school after holidays. She would ask her questions about her previous school and Anushka would say it without stuttering which she said to me.

Even Umbridge had talked about this matter with Dumbledore, to which he for the first time I guess, bawled out at a professor.

Anushka is now visiting Dumbledore for talking and eating lemon candy and that is how she got to know about it and she told me everything.

Anyways, I, Lee and Fred are sitting at the common room waiting patiently for Anushka and George to come back from their detention from Umbridge.

I told her not to prank Umbridge but her and George has done it and now they are at their detention. She was furious and shouted out that it should not be done.

Even she knows that he detention she will give them is very painful still she does it.

We heard the door open and in came Anushka hand in hand with George who was looking grimace.

"Are you alright?" I jumped up from my seat examining their hands.

"As usual." George groaned as he sat down on the sofa, taking off the cloth from his covered hand and showed to us.

'I will not do such disrespectful behaviour with my professor '

"She's horrible!" Lee exclaimed.

"Uggh, she has this, I don't know, powerful quill to which when we write it starts to write down on our hand. " George explained.

"Is it painful?" Lee asked with a worried.

George smirked up at him "Worse."

"But, I didn't felt any pain." Anushka said.

We all turned to look at him who was looking at us in lost.

"What do you mean didn't felt anything?" I asked.

"The scar... I didn't felt any pain." She shrugged looking down at her hand.

I frowned looking at everyone and back to her. How can this happen? The will is supposed to work...but how her- ugh whatever she didn't got any scar tho.

"Maybe it's because of your magic being blocked." Lee shrugged.

"Yeah, actually.. Lee's right. You told us about your magic being consoled and maybe the will was not powerful enough to break it and so..she didn't felt anything." George said.

"Point." Fred nodded.

I nodded too still in thoughts.

"Ohh whatever then, at least I didn't get any pain." Anushka chuckled and looked at George. "Someone, help George with his hand."

"Aww you care so much about me Anu." George said while pretending to be shy.

"Oh shut up Weasley."


"Where are we going?"

"Just wait for a bit darling" Fred whispered in my ear , his hands preventing nybeyes to see anything.

He helped me to walk a bit more further until he stopped and sighed. "On 3 open your eyes...1, 2 and.." he kissed my cheek, I giggled. "..3"

His hands were removed from mine, I complied, blinking rapidly as my vision adjusted to the sudden flood of light.

And then, before me, emerged a sight that stole my breath away. It was the Room of Requirement, bathed in a soft, ethereal glow. Twinkling lights adorned the walls, casting a warm and inviting ambiance over the space. A table stood proudly in the center, adorned with delicate flowers and flickering candles, beckoning us to come closer to two chairs opposite each other, the room was filled with candles and a vanilla smell.
At the side were some food on the tables.

I turned to Fred, my heart swelling with gratitude and love. "Fred, you didn't have to..."

He silenced me with a tender smile, his eyes sparkling with affection. "I wanted to, Ash. I wanted tonight to be special for you."

As we stepped into the room, my senses were overwhelmed by the sight and scent of the feast laid out before us. Every delicacy imaginable graced the table, from savory entrees to delectable desserts. It was a feast fit for royalty, yet it was all for me, a gesture of love from the man standing beside me.

And then, to my surprise, I noticed a familiar figure standing in the corner, a mischievous glint in her eyes. It was Twinkle, the house-elf from Hogwarts, her presence adding an unexpected touch of magic to the evening.

I couldn't contain my joy any longer, my heart overflowing with emotion. "Fred, this is... incredible. Thank you, thank you so much."

He enveloped me in a warm embrace, his arms a sanctuary against the world. "I would do anything for you, Ash. You mean everything to me."

"I love you Freddie" I smiled up at him, in his arms.

"I love you too darling." He smiled down, kissed my lips.

In that moment, surrounded by love and light, I knew that this Valentine's Day would be one to cherish forever. With Fred by my side, there was nothing we couldn't overcome, no challenge too great.

He let me sit down on the chair and gave me a bouquet of flowers which I gladly accepted with a chuckle. I looked at him with hearts in my eyes and we started to eat and talk among ourselves, forgetting everything about the world outside and just having our own time was the only thing that can heal me.

And it did healed me.

We made jokes, ate even got a blanket in which we laid down, stared out of the window at the stars. For in each other's arms, we had found our home.

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