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"Why do I have to study when I haven't studied for the last year?"

"Because you weren't here last year and now that you are, you have to study and give exam" I said as Anushka rolled her eyes who was flooded with books.
"Now shut up and study."

I took out my Potions book and started to write some questions.

The exam season is here which means stress stress and...stress. Even if it's in witchcraft or normal muggle studies. Maths, science history...oh what a headache.

But I know how it feels, I've given NEET (entrance exams for medical) and it gives us nothing but Stress and depression.

These books are more harder than what I've studied for my entire life.

Also with the DA classes it's going good and smooth, even Anushka is joining with a real wand of Hermione's of course it wouldn't work, but everyone should not think that she don't know how to use a wand.

"Tsk tsk...look at this George, little girls have to study for their exam." Fred said as he sat down next to me on the sofa of the Gryffindor's common room.

"Little? Please I'm one year older than you." I scoffed.

"So? You are still Little girl to me and giving O.W.Ls exam" Fred chuckled pinching my cheeks.

I swatted his hands and sighed.

"I remember my O.W.Ls," George sighed sitting beside Anushka on the other armchair. "But good for me, not giving N.E.W.Ts"

"Tsk" Anushka clicked her tongue glaring at him.

"Oh don't look at me like that love, focus..or am I distracting?" George smirked looking down at her.

"Yes you are distracting by bringing your slimy face here." Anushka rolled her eyes and looked away, her cheeks giving a hint of red tint.

"I know I'm handsome Anushka, don't have to lie." George chuckled.

"C'mon George let her be." Fred chuckled softly as Anushka gave George a glare.

"Anushka!" Ginny came, grabbed her hand. "Let's go to our dorm, Luna will be coming too for study session."

"Oh yeah right. " Anushka nodded quickly packing her books and stood up. "See you guys later." She shouted back to us.

"Bye" We exclaimed watching she disappeared in the stairs up.

I turned to start study and could see Fred trying to reach and talk with me but someone called me.

"Ashwini!" Hermione held my hand and said. "Let's go to our dorm, everyone is there for the study session."

"Yess coming. " I nodded, packing my books.

"Why is everyone having study sessions?!" I heard Fred shout ss I walked up to out dorm.



Anushka Sharma aka Anushka Kumar being her last named changed at Hogwarts for her own safety, a spirited fourth-year student at Hogwarts, couldn't believe her luck. She was about to pull off the prank of a lifetime with Fred and George Weasley with Lee Jordan. Their target: the ever-despised Professor Dolores Umbridge.

The plan had been brewing for weeks, a masterful blend of ingenuity and hilarity. Fred, George, and Lee had been plotting in the Gryffindor common room, their faces lit with wicked grins as they sketched out their ideas on parchment. When Anushka stumbled upon their planning session, her quick wit and enthusiasm made her an instant co-conspirator.

"So, what do you have so far?" Anushka asked, leaning over the table where the twins and Lee were huddled.

Fred grinned. "Glad you asked. We've been working on a series of pranks that will leave Umbridge questioning her sanity."

George nodded, his eyes twinkling. "First, we're going to Transfigure her quills to squawk like chickens whenever she tries to write."

Lee chimed in, "And then, we'll enchant her chair to shrink every time she sits down, so she'll end up sitting on the floor by the end of class."

Anushka giggled, imagining the look on Umbridge's face. "Brilliant! But we need something big to top it all off."

Fred's eyes gleamed. "How about this: we replace her entire office with a replica made out of jelly. She steps out for a moment, and when she comes back, everything's wobbling."

"Perfect!" Anushka said, her excitement bubbling over. "Let's do it."

The Night of the Prank

Under the cover of darkness, the four sneaked into Umbridge's office. Fred and George worked their Transfiguration magic on the quills, turning them into miniature roosters. Lee enchanted the chair with a complex shrinking charm, while Anushka kept watch at the door warned if anyone comes up.

"Alright, now for the grand finale," George whispered. With synchronized swishes of their wands, the room began to transform. The walls, desk, bookshelves, and even the teacups morphed into colorful, wobbling jelly. The effect was stunning and utterly ridiculous.

"Quick, hide!" Anushka hissed as she heard footsteps approaching. They ducked behind a tapestry just in time to see Umbridge, looking particularly smug, waddle into her office.

She paused, blinking in confusion at the sight before her. "What in the name of...?"

Umbridge took a cautious step inside. The floor wobbled beneath her feet, causing her to stumble. She reached out to steady herself on the desk, only for her hand to sink into the jelly surface. The squawking quills erupted into a cacophony of clucks, causing Umbridge to yelp in surprise.

Fuming, she marched to her chair and plopped down, only to find herself gradually sinking until she was sitting on the floor, surrounded by a sea of jelly.

Just then, Anushka strolled by the open door, looking as innocent as possible. She paused, pretending to be startled. "Professor Umbridge? Are you alright?"

Umbridge's eyes narrowed. "Sharma, what is the meaning of this? Let me now where are the twins?"

"What twins?" Anushka acted innocent but sighed when Umbridge gave her a sharp look. "Well, if you'd really like to know, they went...that way" She pointed at the two opposite sides with her index finger. 

"They did?" Umbridge asked with her wand ready. 

"They did what?" Anushka asked with her eyebrow knitted. 

"Went that way." Umbridge repeated her reply. 

Anushka looked at her either sides with a question look, looking back at Umbridge. "Who did?" 

"The twins!" Umbridge said impatiently. 

"What twins?" Anushka bit her inner cheek to smirk or laugh. 

"Miss Sharma!" Umbridge shouted causing Anushka to jump in her place. 

"Uh.. Professor Umbridge, you didn't quite mentioned which twins. You see there are, I think, Three or Four twins in Hogwarts-" 

"Quite!" She shouted. Anushka bit her lips. "Is it you or..?" 

Anushka widened her eyes, feigning ignorance. "I have no idea, Professor. Maybe Peeves is up to his usual tricks?"

Umbridge growled, struggling to get up. "Peeves will be dealt with! And if I find out you're involved, Sharma..."

"Of course, Professor," Anushka said sweetly. "I hope you manage to sort this out."

As Anushka walked away, she could hear the muffled laughter of Fred, George, and Lee from their hiding spot. The prank had been a resounding success, and the image of Umbridge flailing in a room full of jelly would stay with them forever.

Back in the Gryffindor common room, the four pranksters celebrated their triumph, knowing they had pulled off one of the greatest pranks in Hogwarts history. Anushka felt a sense of pride and camaraderie with her new friends, certain that this would be just the first of many legendary escapades to come.

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