+•WORLDWIDE BLACKOUT•+ !!read b4 chap for info!!

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I would NOT have been able to fit the whole chapter title sooo
Your lamparts younger  sibling and this is like a week or 2 to a bit after/a few months (timestaps will be added!) before the divorce
Also I have a hc that a few mins before the divorce that they dropped lampart off at 3008 cuz they knew he was too young to hear the arguing and didn't want him to have to suffer through their problems...And thats caused the final argument and lampart didn't know until mark came to check on him alone and said what happened 😋😋😋😋
Also you r a bit young but your not that short in this so don't be weird all of this is platonic CAUSE READER N LAMPART  R SIBLING'S you sick freaks out there....
Also reader goes by she/her pronouns sorry 😞


You were sitting down on the floors of you and your older brothers room once again, what seemed like the 3rd time this week you could hear your parents shouting, your brother simply looked depleted, almost not phased anymore, but you could tell their eyes were widened. Rage? Sadness? Shock? You couldn't tell anymore. You continued to play with your toy horses and doll figures made of both a soft type of  concrete and wood, you tried to cancel out the upset noises your parents were making as they were annoying you and was distracting you from you're epic roleplay!

Suddenly, you could hear the swinging charger tail of your brother and you looked up, he looked as depressed as he always did these days, you couldn't help but wonder why? Maybe you would understand in the future why. Suddenly, he grabbed one of the dolls and horses.

"Can I join you're game?." He asked, and you smiled widely, "Of course!, y'know, it was getting boring without you." He managed to actually chuckle a bit, and you couldn't help but smile more, you completely thought he forgot to do that, escpially with the increase of arguing.

Suddenly, he looked at you, and tears started to build Into his eyes, which confused you, why was he crying? You slowly schooched over to him, before patting his back "Why are you crying brother? We can play you're favorite game if you want." He only stared at you more, before bringing you into a hug and sobbing, you could hear his tears landing on the floor. You still didn't understand. What was causing all this emotion?

After a few minutes, he seemed to have fallen asleep after crying, you couldn't move because he was so heavy, which you would NOT tell him.. So you just awakwardky sat there, trying to get him up, before mark came in the room, happily, you looked at one of your father figures.

"Say daughter, why is yer' brothe' layin on ya?" You told him what happened and his eyes softened, most likely filled with regret and grief. He picked your brother up, and tucked him into bed. Before he directed you to your bed (which is just a bit away from lamparts) and layed you down, before marks smile slightly faltered and left the room, shutting the door.

Well, you didn't have a choice but to sleep.


You were causally eating a snack in you and your brothers room, your older brother sharing the same treat until Mark walked in again, his awakward steps made him more noticable out of Wallters, he looked down on both you and lampart, before picking you up, which made you confused. You never got told anything about going anywhere

Wallters picked you up and put you on his back, and signaled lampart to follow him, which he quickly did as he didn't wanna lose sight of you (we love a good older brother am I right) you two arrived at the car, and he put you inside, and lampart got on the other side, it seemed Wallter was busy at work, oh well!

You thought maybe you were going somewhere fun, maybe a ball park, maybe a play place? But Instead you arrived at a place called "Regretevator" as the sign above it said, the lobby looked fancy from what you could take in, before Mark got on, holding you in his arms as Lampart groaned, he always told you how he hated being here, calling it "full of germs" and other stuff, for some reason he never thought YOU were full of  germs and you were nasty.

Suddenly, the regretevator stopped at a Ikea level which had a sign named "3008", still being in marks arms, you, your father and your brother went outside, exploring the Ikea, you noticed how longed it seem, and lampart was avoiding anything, I guess he thought of it as dirty as well, you couldn't blame him, who knows how long it's been sense someone cleaned this place?

Suddenly, the three of you arrived at a simple building, a red couch laid there with a old-ish tv and a carpet, mark placed you down and told lampart some words you couldn't here, before he nodded and went by your side, sitting down close to you, Mark suddenly started to walk off, before saying the words, "I'll be back soon, alright kids?" You both nodded, though lampart looked uncertain about it. Well, you knew your parents wouldn't leave you both, right?

~~---TWO?! Years later.---×

You sat on the fimilar, cleaned couch, it's bright red color was a bit faded (though not noticable) and you had a frown on your face. Suddenly, you perked up as you saw your older brother come back, you smiled, giving him a wave before he waved back, a small smile settled on his face.

You didn't know what happened to Mark, or Wallter. None of them had came back for you both, so you just thought you two were gonna spend the rest of both of  your lives here, which you were fine with, until you heard a fimilar ding! You got up, looking over to see the regretevator doors open, and a hoard of non-npc beings rushing out.

You looked panicked, and alerted your brother, he quickly got up and looked, it was the first time this had happened. Before a player seemed to get close and find the both of you guys, they smiled widely (or did their expression always look like that?) before seeming to call out to the void, but before you knew it you were in the regretevator, the floors, the walls, even the roof looked different.

"Mark, Dad?!" Lampart said, and you looked at him in shock before looking at where he was pointing, before staring, you wanted to run up and hug him, but something was stopping you. You couldn't help but feel all wasn't good, so you begged to ask, "Where is our other dad Wallter?" You saw mark frown, before shaking his head and sighing.

"Wer' got a divorce, honeypie."  Oh, I guess you weren't two young anymore  to understand that, huh?

Words:1186 words (NEW LONGEST BABBYY)

I actually rlly like how this came out! For some reason I do ;D lampart deserved better</3

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