Chapter 26: The event

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The taxi stopped infront of the big hall, and the driver said, "we're here". The girls almost flung themselves out of the taxi in excitement.

They paid the driver, and stepped into the hall. They showed their tickets to security, and were let inside after verification.

When they went inside, they realised that It was basically a fan sign! Because each fan, can meet each individual members and have a little talk.

It was in an order of ticket numbers, and the girls sulked and sat down in the waiting area, because the current number was 84, and they had a long time left to wait.

They were far from stray kids, but nevertheless tried to make eye contact with them. They were wearing matching outfits, paired with the hairclips.

None of the members noticed them among the crowds, except Seungmin. He was looking around as his eyes caught onto a trio with three matching hairclips funded by lee know and Jeongin.

He looked at them, and they noticed, they waved but the ignored it and left them feeling embarrassed. "What's the deal with him?! Tsk!" Whined Eliana.

It was finally their turn. They stepped upto the area where the meet was going on with excitement.


(Eliana's POV)

The order that they were sitting in, was oldest to youngest. So I met Bangchan first. I sat infront of him, and he turned his head and said, "Wait lemme guess who you are".

"It shouldn't be hard," I said.
"Oh! I know the voice! Eliana!" He said, getting excited about his answer. I high-fived him, happy that he remembered my voice.

"All three of you are saur cute today!" He said, signing the notepad I put infront of him.
I chuckled and said, "is that a flirt? Didn't Minho threaten you about this very incident?"

He laughed, and said, "can't help it," and winked, but broke into laughter out of embarrassment. He feared what Jeongin would do if he found out, or so he told me.

I got up, and moved, and sat infront of Minho. "Hi guy who pretended to be me," I said. He looked at his translator, and stared cluelessly for a bit.

After the translation, he realised who I was and his eyes lit up.
"Hi girl most oblivious to ever be," he answered, smirking.
Well, he didn't say that, he did, but in Korean.

He signed the notepad, and I moved on to meet Changbin. "Hello!" I said. He seemed to recognise me immediately.
"Hi Eliana!" He replied.

"Oh wow! Your muscles are bigger off screen!" I said, flattering him.
"I know," He said, doing the changbin-smirk. He signed my notepad and gave me a finger heart as I moved on.

"Hi hyunjin!"
"Hi Eliana!"
"Oh wow! That was quick!" I said, looking at him in shock. He flipped his hair.
"I'm smart, what else can I say?"

"You overhead my conversation with binnie didn't you?" I asked.
"Ahhh how did you know?" He whined, to which I flipped my hair.

I sat infront of Han, and stared into his soul until he said something.
"Uh can I help you?" He asked, getting nervous. I silently stared. He noticed the hairclips and said,"oh you're here!"

"Guess who I am?" I said, of course, hearing my voice he knew it was me. He laughed.
"You really scared me!" He said, signing my notepad.

I moved on to Felix. As soon as I sat infront him, I smiled brightly and said, "hiii!"
He smiled so bright I nearly went blind. "Hiiii!" He replied. Oh, what a cutie patooti.

"Felix! Do you recognise me?"
"Eliana!?" He guessed.
"Yesss!" I said, holding his hands like an excited little kid. I was used to his deep voice now, after watching so many videos of him.

Still, hearing it live sent chills down my spine. He signed my notepad and I moved on to seungmin.
"Oi! Why you ignore!?" I said as soon as I sat infront him.

"I didn't want to wave at you," he said, signing my notepad. "You sure you want my sign?" He looked at me.
"Of course! You're my bias!" I said, too cheer him up, he seemed a little down.

He smiled, and covered it as usual. "Ay! Put that hand down!" I said, holding his hand down as he laughed. His smile was too pretty to be covered.

"I.n wouldn't be happy if he found out he isn't your bias," Seungmin joked.
"Who said you need to have only one bias?" I replied.

I finally sat infront of Jeongin. I smiled and said, "hi!" He seemed to recognise my voice immediately.
He hurriedly made adjustments to his hair and said, "Eliana! You made it!"

"Of course!" I said, putting my notepad infront of him. He looked at me and smiled as he signed.
"You're pretty," he said in a lower voice.

I didn't think I'd be this flustered, but I smiled and said, "oh it means a lot for my bias to call me pretty!"
He smiled and stared at me, I stared back in response.

After a minute of silence, we broke into laughter. "Oh why is this so awkward!" I said, laughing.
"I don't know," he replied, laughing. He waved as I went away.


(Mioko's POV)

"Hi Bangchan!" She said, sitting down.
"Hi Mioko!" He replied.


To be continued. . .

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