Chapter 23

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Author's POV-

Y/N's footsteps echoed through the hallway as she entered the familiar surroundings of Kim Mansion. The soft glow of the kitchen light beckoned her, and she found Mrs. Lim bustling about, lost in the rhythm of her cooking.

"Good evening, Mrs. Lim," Y/N greeted warmly, her voice tinged with exhaustion from the day's work.

Mrs. Lim turned around with a smile, her eyes crinkling at the corners. "Ah, Y/N, you're home. How was your day, dear?"

Y/N sighed, sinking into one of the kitchen chairs. "Long, as usual. But nothing I can't handle."

Mrs. Lim nodded sympathetically, her hands deftly chopping vegetables for dinner. "Well, I'm making your favourite dish tonight. It'll be ready soon."

Y/N's spirits lifted at the thought of Mrs. Lim's delicious cooking. "Thank you, Mrs. Lim. You always know how to make everything better."

As the conversation flowed between them, Y/N couldn't shake the burning question that lingered at the back of her mind. She had been curious about Taehyung's sleeping arrangements for some time now, but she couldn't bring herself to ask directly. Instead, she searched for a subtle way to broach the subject.

"Mrs. Lim," Y/N began casually, stirring her tea as she carefully chose her words, "I was just wondering... where does Mr. Kim sleep at night?"

Mrs. Lim paused in her task, her brow furrowing slightly as she considered Y/N's question. "Well, Y/N," she replied slowly, "Mr. Kim has his own bedroom - the master suite. It's quite spacious and comfortable."

Y/N's heart skipped a beat at the revelation. So, the bedroom next to hers belonged to Taehyung. Despite their forced marriage and his initial intentions to consummate it, he had been respecting her privacy by sleeping in a separate room.

A mix of emotions swirled within Y/N as she processed this information. On one hand, she felt a pang of loneliness knowing that they were still living separate lives under the same roof. But on the other hand, she couldn't help but feel a glimmer of hope. Perhaps Taehyung's actions were a sign that his feelings were beginning to change.

As she retreated to her own room, Y/N couldn't shake the feeling of curiosity that gnawed at her mind. Why would Taehyung choose to sleep in a separate room if he had every intention of consummating their marriage? It was a question that lingered in her thoughts long into the night, as she contemplated the complex dynamics of their relationship.

As the days turned into weeks, a subtle shift began to occur in Taehyung's demeanour towards Y/N. Despite their tumultuous start and the forced nature of their marriage, Taehyung found himself inexplicably drawn to her. Her quiet strength and unwavering determination stirred something within him, igniting feelings he had long buried beneath a facade of indifference.

One particular afternoon, as Y/N busied herself with paperwork in her home office, Taehyung found himself lingering in the doorway, watching her with a sense of quiet admiration. He marvelled at the way her brow furrowed in concentration, her fingers flying across the keyboard with practised ease. It was a sight he had grown accustomed to over the past month, yet it never failed to captivate him.

"Ms. Min," Taehyung's voice broke through the silence, causing her to startle slightly at the unexpected interruption. "Do you have a moment?"

Y/N looked up from her work, surprised to find Taehyung standing in the doorway. "Of course, Mr. Kim. What do you need?"

Taehyung hesitated for a moment, his gaze flickering over her features as if searching for something. "I... I just wanted to check on you," he admitted quietly. "You've been working so hard lately, and I wanted to make sure you're taking care of yourself."

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