Chapter 37: Unveiling Regrets: A Father's Reflection

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The Andersons returned to their grand house, a mansion that once echoed with the laughter of a complete family.
Now, it stood in silence, a haunting reminder of the fractured bonds within.

Eleanora's father retreated to his study, seeking solace in the solitude of his thoughts.
In the dimly lit room, he immersed himself in the reflections of the daughter he had unintentionally distanced himself from.

He wants so badly to bridge the huge gap between him and Eleanora, hoping to reconnect with their estranged daughter. But it feels like chasing an impossible dream.

Should he even call it a relationship? Was he ever a dad to his daughter? Where was he when she needed her father the most?

Thoughts clouded his mind, filing it with reluctance and hesitancy.
Feeling himself helpless, tears of frustration and guilt streamed down his eyes, breaking the facade of toughness and resilience he thought he had mastered all along.

He remembers the day Eleanora was born.
It was the month of December, with chilling winter winds storming outside. The inside of the hospital had a different storm brewing, though.

The hospital room was filled with the scent of antiseptic and his wife's perfume. She lay in bed, exhausted but radiant, cradling their newborn daughter in her arms. Their son stood beside them, wide-eyed with wonder, as they welcomed their baby girl into the world.

"Did you see her, Emmet dear? She is your little sister." His wife gushed to little Emmet, who no longer held the position of the youngest of the house.

He peeked over his mom's shoulder to have a look at his sleeping sister, all snuggled up in a fluffy baby blanket. "She is tiny, mom." He whispered, a little concern in his voice.

"Yes, she is Emmet, and you'll have to take care of her now. You're a big brother now, son."
His dad spoke, chuckling at his son's reaction. "You would, right Emmet?"

Little Emmet hovered over her tiny face, carefully being held by his dad and gently kissed her forehead. "I love you, baby sister." He whispered, not too quiet, which led to their parents chuckle at his cuteness. Feeling shy, he immediately hid himself in his father's embrace.

"She is beautiful, honey. Our family is finally complete. What should we name her?" Their mother asked, shifting the baby in her arms.

"Let me hold my daughter too. You two hogged up all the time with her. It's my turn now." With a scowl on his face and pout on his lips, the dad gently and carefully took his daughter in his arms and sat on a chair beside the bed. Emmet stood right beside his dad, watching his every move. Probably starting with the older brother responsibility.

As he cradled his daughter in his arms, he felt a surge of emotions stirring within him.
He felt love, happiness, and oddly comforting holding his baby. She is just so tiny, so delicate, and he couldn't help but feel overly protective of her. 

Isn't it a father's typical trait?

He felt the joy of becoming a father once again. Tears of happiness streamed down his eyes, looking at the bundle of joy in his arms, who's all awake and staring right back at her father.

"We'll name her Eleanora." He said out of the blue, still having his eyes glued to her's, silently asking for acknowledgment.

"That's a beautiful name dear, what do you think about it Emmet?" Their mom chimed in, seemingly fine with the name.

"But it's too long. I don't like it." He told his dad, pulling his shirt sleeves.

"We can have a nickname for her son, your own nickname for her." Dad tried persuading his son, still holding on the name.

"Ok then I'll call her Nora. Only I will get to call her Nora. My baby sister Nora." He said with conviction, smiling at the baby.  "Right Nora?"

At that moment, Eleanora let out a short bubbly giggle, surprising everyone present in the room. She stared direct at her dad and smiled, a million dollar smile. It was an indication that the baby has accepted the name.

"Welcome to the world Eleanora." Her dad choked out, finally overwhelmed with emotions and laid a kiss on her forehead. He envisioned endless years ahead, brimming with love and happiness.

But was he able to fulfill his promises? All those words held nothing but emptiness and regret. His dedication to his work and career had robed him off the joyous moments with his daughter.

He couldn't build a life filled with happiness and love for his daughter.

What's the point of having so much wealth when you can't even face your own daughter?
He couldn't be a father to his daughter.

He couldn't be a Dad to his daughter.

As the words echoed through his mind, his legs crumbled beneath him and he fell on the floor, finally breaking down in tears. Finally letting the guilt overcome him.

"I'm sorry my child. Please please, come back" He whispered, tightly clutching a picture of Eleanora, taken at her first birthday; probably the only birthday they celebrated together.

It's too late for forgiveness, or is it? He doesn't know, all he knows he just wants his daughter back, whatever it takes.

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