Sure, why not?

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In Cady's defense, no one had woken her up.

The redheaded girl sulks all the way to the detention hall, questioning what she had done wrong. Not that she actually did anything wrong besides sleep through half of her classes because she had been stuck in the library. To be honest she needed that sleep. She hadn't gotten any from the night before because she was too busy studying for her exams. To be fair, her exams weren't until next week but it's never too early to start studying the materials.

All Cady's sulking helps her make it to the detention hall. She knocks on the door but there is no answer. After a minute or two the girl lets herself in to find a sleeping Mr.Rapp. She quietly sits down at a desk as to not disturb her teacher and takes out her computer and notebook.

Cady looks around for moment and realizes that she is by herself. She has the dumb thought that she should go to detention more if this is how it'll be. No distractions, no one telling her to go to class, and definitely no thoughts of her to distract herself.

Well speak of the devil, as Cady settles in and begins to work, the door bursts open.

"You miss me, Rapp?" The voice makes Cady perk up and she freezes, almost petrified.

Mr.Rapp wakes up immediately and almost slips in his chair, poor guy.

"No, Ms.George, I didn't. Now please sit down before I give you another detention," Mr. Rapp says before immediately falling asleep again. Cady's almost impressed by the way the man was able to fall back asleep that fast.

Regina turn her head and looks directly at Cady. Their eyes are locked into each other and Cady swears her heart stopped at that moment. Her mind blanks, her face grows red, and her palms start growing sweaty. After a beat she looks back down to her work.

As she pretends the previous scene didn't just happen, she hears footsteps walk up to her. She closes her eyes accepting her fate; she has to talk to her.

Cady clears her throat and opens her eyes to look up at Reginas and her hearts stops for a second time. This is not the Regina George that Cady remembers. This Regina has shorter hair, shaggy with bangs and roots dyed. She's wearing a football jersey and... boy shorts? Okay, who is this and what did she do to the old Regina George? And... Why are they kinda hot?!?! Cady thinks to herself

"Hey, earth to Cady." Cady snaps out of her trance after hearing her name come out of the blonde girls mouth,"Good, I thought you died with your eyes open." Regina just smiles and Cady swears that she actually did die.

They stare at each other for another moment and Cady immediately realizes the awkwardness between the two so she decides to just break the silence.

"Hey Regina." Cady gave her a friendly smile,"How are you?"

"Not good because you're in my seat," What did she say? Cady asks herself in her mind. Cady decides to not press further and just gathers her stuff to the desk adjacent to "Reginas Seat"

As Cady gets settled, she notices the girl next to her pulling out a book. Okay this REALLY isn't Regina George.

The girl she knew from the previous year would not have let this slide. The Regina George that's in front of her would probably get bullied by the one she knew before.

After junior year, Regina had gone into physical therapy to get her strength back after the bus incident. She started to work out tremendously and one of the things that her physical therapist had suggested was her to join a sport. And so, Regina did just that. The girl was an all-star player and gave the girls lacrosses team their first win after an excruciating amount of years.

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