Tutoring and Bonding

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Regina opened the door for both Cady and her. When Cady walked in she stood for a second in awe. The George's Mansion looked bigger than what she remembered. Either that or Cady just got smaller.

Immediately, light footsteps are heard from the upstairs.

"Reggie? Are you home?" A small voice calls out. Immediately, Cady's face lifts.

"Kylie? Is that you?" Cady calls out. The Younger George gasps and calls out,"Cady?!"

She rushes downstairs to the redheaded girl. Once she reaches the bottom she jumps to her in a hug, almost toppling the poor girl over.

"Hey KyKy, I missed you!" Cady hugs her back.

"I missed you too! Where have you been? You haven't been around in a while. Reggie says she misses you around." Kylie admits. Cady immediately looks up to Regina with a playful smirk. Regina purposely avoids eye contact.

"Oh, does she now?" Regina rolls her eyes. She sets down her stuff near the foot of the stairs.

"Hey, Ky-bear, how about you go upstairs and finish your homework and I'll treat you to pizza and ice cream? How does that sound?" Kylie thinks for a moment before looking up at Cady. She just nods at the young girl as if to tell her Regina isn't lying. Kylie smiles and lets go of Cady.

"Okay fine, but I get to pick the toppings." The tiny blonde says before rushing back upstairs.

Cady smiles and follows Regina into the living room. They set up the table against the couch like how they used to do it. Cady sets out all the materials and the two waste no time on getting started.

Regina was doing surprisingly good for someone who seemingly doesn't know what she was doing or what the material was. Cady seemed skeptical about the whole situation. Why would Regina ask her to tutor her if she was doing fine on her own?

"Hey, Heron, you're spacing out again." Cady wakes up from her day dreaming. She looks at Regina who was definitely on her phone instead of doing the worksheet Cady told her to do.

"Why are you on your phone? Shouldn't you be doing the worksheets I told you to do?"

"I'm already finished with them." Cady looks over at the worksheets scattered across the table. She looks over at each one and they're already done to perfection.

"Okay, you know what, I don't understand. Why ask me to tutor you if you're already doing great in these subjects? I thought you were failing? Is this some elaborate scheme to make me come back to you or is it-" Cady stops herself before she starts to ramble again. She breathes in and breathes out.

"See, Regina, this is exactly why I was so overwhelmed earlier. I don't know what you want from me. Are you mad at me or not? Are we on good terms? What, Regina, what?" Cady flops backwards on the couch. She hugs a pillow in replacement of strangling the girl next to her.

Regina throws her phone somewhere on the couch. She stands up in front of Cady who refuses to look up at her. The taller girl takes the pillow out of Cady's grasp. She pulls her up by the arms and hugs her. Cady doesn't hug back, she just buries herself into the crook of Regina's neck.

"You want an answer, I'll tell you. During this whole year, I wanted to talk to you. So badly. But I never had the courage to because you looked so happy. You had so many friends, I lost a lot of them. Everyone liked you and everyone hated me. I thought that if I came back into your life it would just make everything worse. I grew so insecure about myself, I kind of shut myself out from everyone. Except for sports, of course." Cady laughed a little at the last sentence. She slowly got her hands up to hug back, not too tightly though.

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