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ava walked into school late when she saw almost all the girls going feral in the hallway. 

"what the hell" she whispered to herself before she was pulled to the side by darcy "what's happening?" 

"apparently the pastics had this burnbook that got leaked. there are really mean things about everyone on there" 

"mean like how mean?" ava, more or less, knew regina had some doing in this 

"here" darcy showed her a screenshot on her phone that had darcy's picture 

"darcy olsen, the fat bitch who no one wants to be with" ava read it in her head "what the fuck" she said "who wrote this?" she was fuming with anger now 

"only cady, karen and gretchen aren't in it" she said as jonathan joined the two girls 

"are you guys okay?" he asked concerned 

"wait" ava said "even regina's in it?" she asked and scrolled on darcy's phone to find the page with regina's photo and "fugly cow" scribbled over it 

"yeah" jonathan said when he realised ava hadn't seen her page yet

"what?" she asked "what's it say about me?" 

"oh i uh i don't-" he stuttered as she snatched his phone to look 

"inherited the best qualities of her druggie dad" she mumbled and continued "as well as the cheating mother" she gulped as she looked up at where regina was stood, smirking "i am gonna kill her"

she was about to make her way towards the blonde when the fire alarm was rang making it sprinkle water as principal duvall's voice echoed the hallway 

"all junior girls report to the gymnasium, immediately" he yelled "immediately" 

darcy and ava sat side by side in the gymansium as ava glanced at regina from time to timelooking for some sort of regret on her face.  

"never in my thirty one years as an educater have i seen such behaviour. i have half a mind to cancel your spring fling dance" he said as the crowd of the girls objected. ava couldn't care less though, she wasn't even planning on going at this point 

"i object" karen stood up in the middle of the argument causing ava and darcy to snort

"we're not gonna do that because we've already payed the DJ" he said as ava felt a pair of blue eyes on her, turning towards them regina looked away suddenly. not wanting to be caught.

"i really hoped, they would" ava sighed earning a smack on arm from darcy as principal duvall continued his speech which she tuned out 

all she thought was, how could regina to that to her? ava trusted the blonde, she started mending her ways because of her but in the end. why? was all she needed to know. 

when ava's gaze landed on cady, she knew the reason. revenge. it was the one thing that was more important to regina than anyting else. ava should've known that. she'd want to watch the world burn at this point. 

she was pulled out of her thoughts when regina stood up 

"can i just say" the blonde said getting up "i don't think we have a clique problem at this school and some of us shouldn't have to participate in whatever this is just because of a few bad people" 

"a few bad people" ava mumbled in her breath before scoffing rather loudly which made regina turn around at look at her and she gave a blank stare

"okay" ms. norburry continued "well, let's unpack that. i want everybody to close your eyes" the girls followed suite "i want you to raise your hand if any girl has ever said anything bad about you behind your back" 

almost all the girls raised their hand

"open your eyes" ava saw how just like her, everybody's hand was raised "close your eyes again" she did "this time i want you to raise your hand if you've ever said anything bad about a friend behind her back. open your eyes" ava looked around to find out most hands up just like hers and darcy's

a while later and now ms. norburry explained the exercise they were going to do. 

trust fall? great idea. 

ava stod with darcy on her side as one by one the girls went to plateform and read out their apologies then fell backwards as the rest caught them. 

"watch it be some really crappy art or some really good fire" regina commented when janis was up at the plateform making ava roll her eyes

"okay, sure" janis  crumpled up the piece of paper letting it fall to the ground "i have an apology she said "my friend and i thought it'd be fun to mess up regina george's life. so we got these candy bar things to make her gain weight" 

the crowd gasped 

"and we told her, lard was face cream" she said making everyone laugh as ava looked over at the blonde in concern 

this was bad. this was really bad

"and then we turned her bestfriends against her, and then cady" she pointed at the redhead "yeah you know my friend cady. she got regina's boyfriend to dump her. and it turns out, cady's just as phony and selfish as regina george" 

ava was now worried, she knew what regina did was bad but this? this was worse and it all madde sense to ava as to why regina would do what she did. 

"so this apology is it me" janis said as regina sped out of the gym with cady chasing close behind whuch made ava instinctively follow the two 

"walk away, turd" regina snapped at cady when they reached the school's main gate 

"regina i swear, i didn't mean for that to happen" cady said as ava sprinted close behind "regina wait-" 

"ugh" she groaned "you know what everyone says about you? that you are a homeschooled jungle freak who's a less hhot version of me so you can take your apology-" 

"regina, look out" ava yelled as she ran towards the blonde but was too late as the bus had already hit the girl 

everyone watching, gasped 

"oh no" ava's breathing became rapid as she knelt down to hold regina's body "regina, no. regina stay with me" she said as her voice broke, cheeks now hot and red and tears spilled "regina? stay with me. stay with me. please" 

out of my league [Regina George]Where stories live. Discover now