Gun game

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It's been 5 months since Kirito and his team have been updating the game. One month left before it was released, and everyone was excited about it. So let's go to Kirito, who's at home with his family. Kirito is playing Tekken with his daughter Yui while Asuna Shguha and Shinozaki, otherwise know a Lisbeth, are on the couch watching them.

"Dang it I loss."pouted Yui. Kazuto smirks and pats her head. "Ah, don't worry, Yui, you'll beat me one day."stated Kazuto with a smile. Yui is still putting it, but she nods. "So Rito~kun, how fur is the update?"asked Asuna. "It's going fine. All we're doing now is just checking and fixing the bugs if we found them. So the game is done. The last month is just us making sure the game is ok."said Kirito coolly. "Come on, Kiri~kun, let us beta test it, please."whined Shinozaki. Kirito looks at her with a smirk. "Nope."said Kirito happily. Shinozaki glared at him, but he ignored it. Just then, his phone went off, and he answered it.

"Hello."Drawled Kirito. "Kazuto, I have a job for you."stated the police captain. Kirito groaned. "Right, where do you want to meet?"questioned Kirito. "Meet me at the restaurant across the street from the police station."said the police captain. Kirito nodded. "Yeah, I'll catch you over there."stated Kirito. He hangs up and gets up. He sighed. "Well, I'll be back later. You guys take Yui to visit the family or to the park or something. I don't want her to be bored while I'm gone."said Kirito. Suguha smiled at him. "Don't worry, Kazy~kun, we'll take care of Yui~chan. Mama wanted to see her anyway."said Suguha. Kirito smiles. He walked over and kissed them all, starting with Suguha ending with Asuna.

Kirito smiled at them. "Thank you 3."stated Kirito. He walks over to his daughter and picks her up, and kisses her all over her face. Yui giggled. "Papa, stop it."said Yui, giggling while pushing his face away. Kirito chuckles. He kissed her forehead, then put her down. "Love you, honey."said Kirito. Yui smiles happily at him. "I love you too, Papa!"exclaimed Yui happily. Kirito chuckles and ruffles her hair. "Good. Now I'll see you later so have fun with your grandparents. I'll be back as soon as I can."said Kirito as he walked to the door. He puts his shoes on and throws on his jacket.

He walked out into the garage and hopped in his bike, then put his helmet on, then speeded off. Asuna smiles at Yui. "Ok, Yui, come on, let's go take a bath, and get ready to meet your grandparents."said Asuna. Yui smiles and nods. "Ok, Mama."said Yui happily as she got off the couch and took Asuna's hand. Suguha and Shinozaki decided they would clean up as well.

So to Kirito when he gets to the restaurant and seats down with the captain. They order and eat before they talk.

"So what's up?"questioned Kirito. The captain sighes. "So there is another game with nerve gear called Gun Gal online. The problem is that people are dying from the game it looks like. There's a video of a masked individual killing a person in the game, and that person died in real life."said the captain. Kirito hums. "Well, I actually doubt that they are dying because of the game. There was only one person able to pull that off, and he's dead. Who did they die?"questioned Kirito.

"Well, their bodies just shut down like they were shot in the brain, but there is never a bullet wond."said the captain. Kirito eyes narrowed slightly, and as he brain flues through possiblies until he comes to what the most likely cause could be. "So they just die because their brain stop. So this is a 2-man job. The one in the game killed the person the game, and the other kills the person real life. But why and how? The biggest possibility for the how is poison. It's not common now a days and with what happened with SAO, that's obvious what most people would jump to, especially the survivors of the game. But why is what I can't figure out. From what I can see, there isn't a pattern here."thought Kirito to himself.

He looks back at the captain. The captain smiled lightly. "What you thinking?"questioned the captain, knowing the teen in front of him has put at least have of it together. "I have the how but not the why."stated Kazuto. The captain and gestures for him to continue. "The how is there is 2 or more people in this. The player in the game is killing the people, and some in real life are poisoning the person killing them. This is smart for 2 reasons. 1 poison isn't really used for murder very commonly anymore. We can cure easily if not with a bit of difficulty, so most would overlook it. The 2nd reason is that this is perfect timing. Sao ended a while ago, but there is still paranoia about it, especially with the sao survivors. So this caused the panic, and they jumped to the conclusion that it was the nerve gear again."stated Kirito.

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⏰ Last updated: May 14 ⏰

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