95. Victims

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It was late by the time the group of five teenagers arrived at the school. Completely dark outside. In fact, the only source of light was the flashlight that Steve held.

Each of the teenagers were fuelled by a deep routed stress, for several reasons.

While Max was stressed in regard to finding out exactly what the hell was going on, Steve and Dustin were stressed out due to the fact hours had gone by and they were yet to hear from Nancy and Robin.

As for both Aaron and Kimmy, their main priority was the fact that they had broken into their high school and were heading to read confidential documents on other students.

Surprisingly, the blond hadn't been any where near as vocal about his concerns as the group were used to in regard to Aaron Harrington.

Kimmy didn't know why this was, but she assumed he was just so shaken up and worried about what they were actually doing that he thought it was best to keep quiet. Most likely convincing himself if he spoke too loud he'd get the group caught.

He didn't have to say anything, the entire group knew that the boy was nervous, it was written all over his face.

With his right hand, he had a tight grip on Kimmy's own hand. His fingers laced with hers in a firm hold which he refused to let falter. With his left hand, he was picking nervously at his lips, doing his best to keep his breathing steady through his internal panic.

Kimmy and Aaron were at the back of the group, leaving the blond constantly glancing behind him to make sure no one was behind them.

"Where's Lucas?" Aaron blurted worriedly, his voice taking Kimmy by surprise. Seeing as she hadn't heard his voice for longer than she was used to. "What if The Vecna has got him?"

"Vecna, Aaron!" Dustin yelled in an instant. "No The."

Aaron didn't respond, simply huffing as he rolled his eyes.

He didn't say anything else for a long time, Kimmy assumed he was simply too scared to as much as open his mouth.

But his words got Kimmy worried herself. Where was Lucas? He hadn't been around when Max had told the group about Chrissy, and not any point after either.

Of course she'd noticed that he wasn't there, but it had only just occurred to her that Aaron didn't know where he was - that no one did. While she didn't know where he was, Kimmy had assumed that at least Max or Aaron had.

It seemed the thought had only occurred to Aaron then too. Seemingly too preoccupied with all the worries and stress that day and night had put him through to think about it.

It was especially weird that Aaron hadn't heard from the boy, he usually would have. No wonder the blond was so worried.

Kimmy turned her head so she could look at the blond, doing her best from holding back her almost saddened expression at the incredibly stressed look on his face.

As gently as she could, Kimmy tugged on Aaron's hand which she held, hoping to get his attention without startling him. Of course, this didn't work. Aaron's entire body jolted, snapping his head to face her with a panicked look.

Kimmy couldn't bring herself to force a smile at him, using all her inner strength as to not show him that she was phased by his demeanour as well as her headache what so ever.

"Lucas will be fine." She nodded firmly, speaking in a quiet voice as the two trailed behind the others.

Aaron nodded at a rapid pace, as if to convince himself she was right and that he was acting stupid.

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