Hit her and you're dead

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As they pulled in Jades driveway, a sudden feeling of terror washed over her body. "Shit, I forgot about my dad. He's gonna be so pissed that I'm late home."

Punk grabbed her hand tightly as they got out of the car. "He tries anything and I'll handle it." The moment those words came out of his mouth, the door opened.

"Where were you?! Ya little shit!" Jades dad yelled, raising his hand as if he was going to hit her.

As his hand came down, Jade clung to Punk tightly as the braced for the impact of that familiar hand. But it never came. As she turned around trembling and teary eyed, she saw Punks grip on her father's wrist. It was so tight that his knuckles were turning white.

"Hit her and you're dead." Punk warned in a low, threatening tone.

"Oh and what are you gonna do old man?!" Her dad laughed. Jades parents had her extremely young so they weren't much older than her. Her mother being 36 and her father being 34. Jade has just turned 18 a few weeks ago.

Punk grabbed her father's fingers, before forcefully bending them backwards. Trying to break them. "Break your fucking hand that's what I'll do."

"OW OW OK I'M SORRY LET ME GO!!" Jades dad screamed in pain, clutching his hand to his chest.

Jades mom stood in the background, disbelief in her eyes. "YOU WERE GOING TO HIT MT BABY?!" She screamed, grabbing her husband by the throat.

"Mama let him go!" Jade pleaded, trying to pull her mother's hand away from her father's throat.

"No! How long has this been going on Jade?!" Her mom screamed. "How long has he been hitting you?!"

Punk wrapped his arm around Jades waist, trying to calm her somehow.

"You ever, and I mean EVER. Hit my baby again, and you're on the streets. Got it?!" Her mom snapped, on the verge of crying.

"Yes ma'am!" Her father pleaded, clutching his throat as Jades mother let him go.

"I'm sorry dear I didn't mean to scare you, are you alright muffin?" Her mother asked, holding her daughter tightly.

"I'm alright mama, thank you." Jade smiled, knowing that from now on he'd never hit her again.

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