Who's this?

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*I forgot to mention the story is set in 2011 oopsies*

"And who's this handsome devil you've got with you?" Her mother teased, leaning against the doorframe.

"I'm Phil. Or as Jade might refer to me as, CM Punk. Pleasure to meet you ma'am." Punk smiled, extending his hand to shake hers.

"Oh so you're that wrestler my little girl loves so much? Well it's very nice to meet you dear." Jades mother smiled, shaking Punks hand. "My Jade has had a crush on you since she was just a little one. All I hear day and night is "CM Punk this and CM Punk that! It's adorable."

Punk smiled, glancing over at Jade. "Guess it was true love after all huh?" He teased, his arm still tightly around her waist.

Jades mom stood there confused for a moment. As she realized, a huge smile spread across her face. "Finally! She never shuts up about you! Ever since the day she met you all those years ago. She came home crying that you signed her action figure." Jades mother smiled. "Oh my God mom he signed my figure! And he hugged me! And he called me pretty! And he told me I'd be ok when I started crying and he KISSED MY HANDS MOM!"

Jade covered her face in her hoodie, causing Punk to smile even brighter. "Took the kid four years to realize I wrote my number on the box too. I could tell she liked me from that look in her eyes."

"So, are you guys a thing now?" Jades mom asked, receiving a nod from her daughter and Punk. "Well I'm happy for you sweetheart, just know you're welcome in our home anytime Phil. You do know my little girl just turned 18 right?"

"Thanks ma'am, and yes I do. But I should get going. I have a show in the morning." Punk smiled, before turning his attention to Jade.

"Promise you'll call tonight?" He asked, staring into Jades eyes.

"Of course, now go get some sleep. I'll be at the show tomorrow." She smiled, before standing on her tip toes to kiss her boyfriend.

Punk wrapped his arms around Jades waist tightly, holding her close. "I love you princess." He smiled, running his fingers through her hair.

"I love you too dork." Jade laughed, before waving him goodbye and walking in the house.

"So, how old is he?" Jades mother asked, sounding more serious than before.

"Twenty seven." Jade replied, sounding a bit scared that her mother might get angry.

"Twenty seven?! He's nine years older than you!" He mother replied, surprised.

"And?!" Jade questioned, standing up for herself and her relationship with Punk.

"I just don't think you should be talking to someone nine years older than you!" Her mother replied, trying to convince her daughter.

"But mama I love him! And you saw how good he is to me!" Jade replied, trying not to cry. She didn't want her mother to be the reason she lost the love of her life. Unknown to her, Punk was still outside after hearing all the commotion from inside. The pain in Jades voice broke his heart, and he wished he could go stand up for her. But he had to go, so he made his way back to his car and drove off into the night.

"Fine, do what you want. But if he ever hurts you, you're done. Got it?" Her mother replied, not willing to budge. Jade nodded, before storming off to her room. Slamming the door behind her.

Jade pulled out her phone, loading up Spotify and blasting Punks theme song 'Cult of Personality' through her headphones. Quietly singing the words to herself as she fell asleep.

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