Chapter 32

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Julian sat on a birch log and watched Aldric pack up the camp and prepare the houses. A leather cord encircled his ankle and was tied to a stake in the ground. Aldric had done it this morning. Julian had protested and looked to Gregory for help, but Gregory avoided his eye.

    Gregory had not spoken to him all morning. Apparently, Gregory had slept on the forest floor outside the entrance of his tent, which Julian thought was needlessly dramatic. Julian did feel a twinge of guilt about last night's fight. He had been rather harsh. He didn't wish Gregory dead, not really. For a castle guard, Gregory was kind. Julian shouldn't ruin the only sort-of friendship he had with a guard.

    Both Luther and Gregory had disappeared about an hour ago, but Julian didn't know where. Julian poked the dying fire with a long stick, and wondered how to get back into Gregory's good graces.

    "I cannot believe they left me here to do all of the work," Aldric grumbled as he rolled the linen fabric for the tents on the ground.

    "Untie me, and I'll help," Julian offered.

    Aldric sneered. "You must think I'm an idiot."

    "Aldric, I know you loathe me. You don't want me around the King." Julian pleaded, tossing his stick into the pile. "Let me go. I'll find you the gold reward. I'll find you more."

    Aldric laughed. He walked behind Julian and rested his hands on Julian's shoulders, leaning down to speak in his ear. "You think I'm going to free you? After what you put us through?"

    Julian flinched and tried to move away from Aldric. "Don't make me hit you again," He muttered. He didn't know why Aldric spoke like that--like he was the one suffering from Julian's escape.

    Aldric's hands tightened on Julian's shoulders. "You have no idea what you are returning to," Aldric muttered. "The King is not happy. I will take great joy in whatever punishment he inflicts on you."

    Julian's shocked gaze darted to Aldric. "What do you mean, not happy?"

    Aldric smiled at Julian and shrugged. "You'll see."

    Julian lifted his trembling fingers to his mouth and bit on a hangnail there. He looked back at the fire, as he considered the punishment waiting for him at the castle. Elixirs for sleep, more days in the windowless room, only surviving on bone broth. He couldn't suffer the near-starvation again, it was painful to even remember.

    "I heard your little argument with Gregory last night," Aldric announced, his eyes glittering. "After all of our time spent together in the dungeons, is that all you think of me? A wicked man that you wish was dead. I'm hurt, Julian. Truly."

    Julian spared an irritated look at Aldric. "I pity any poor souls still under your care. I remember what you did to prisoners in the dungeons." He muttered, still biting the edge of his thumbnail.

    Aldric snickered. He opened his mouth to say something more, but Julian and Aldric both turned at the sound of footsteps. Luther had returned to the campsite, and he was tugging along a grey-speckled horse.

    "Bought him off some peasant without any teeth," Luther laughed, reaching into one of the knapsacks for an apple to feed the horse. "For our Veneroi friend. The fool had no idea how much a horse goes for in Ruthlow. Damn near gave it to me for free."
    Julian would be riding a horse back to the castle. Thank god, he thought in relief. He feared he would have to ride with Aldric, now that Gregory was not speaking to him.

    At the sound of steps behind him, Julian turned. Gregory was walking back into the forest clearing. His long, brown hair was wet, and his trousers clung to his body like he hadn't properly dried. He was shirtless, and Julian's gaze lingered on Gregory's muscular chest.

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