Chapter Forty-Nine

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Kian's POV

Madison pushed Kian up against the black wall covering her lips with her own. Her hands pushed into the short hair as their tongues fought for dominance. Kian gripped her small waist pulling her closer so they were chest to chest. The pair was so lost in each other that they forgot about the concept of oxygen and was ultimately forced to pull away from each other to catch their breath.

But Madison was persistent, her lips found the taller woman's neck nibbling and biting along the side of her neck starting from her earlobe. She had never felt this way with anyone else, so addicted to the taste of her lips, of her body. Madison kissed her again this time slower, teasing her by biting her lip. She stared up into lust-filled eyes, a visible fire ignited behind them and the flame grew as they kissed.

"Bedroom" Kian muttered, before the musician could process her words she was being lifted, her legs instinctively wrapped around Kian's waist.

Her body came into contact with the soft mattress and was immediately blanketed by Kian's bigger frame. The need for her skin was increasing, so Madison tugged at Kian's shirt pulling it off of her. Her eyes ran down the muscled stomach she became so accustomed to seeing. This time it was different, this time she could appreciate them with more than just words.

Pushing herself on her elbows, Madison reached out grabbing the back of Kian's neck pulling her down. She ran her hand down the Lieutenant's abdomen dragging her nails down each ridge as they flexed. Kian's breath hitched as she did so, Madison watched as the older woman bit her lip.

That voice in her head the tingling feeling on her skin telling her to run wasn't there when Madison touched her this time. Maybe it was the wine, or the built-up tension and dire need for the brunette.

"Is this okay?"

"Yeah, keep going."

"Have I ever told you how much I love these?" Madison whispered peering up at Kian through her eyelashes, she studied the way her breath caught in her throat.

"Mrs. Barnes, is this your way of telling me you're only using me for my body?"

"And if I was?"

"Then I'd tell you it's all for you."

Those hazel eyes shifted, they grew darker, Kian knew she was really in for a long night.

"Get these damn clothes off of me Kian, I need to feel you." She gasped, suffocating from the tension filling the room

"Yes ma'am."

They worked together throwing aside the white tank top and jeans. The marine let out a groan as her eyes traced the artist's matching lace set. Kian practically drooled as she took in the musician's perfectly toned body.

"Do you like your surprise?"

"Like? I fucking love it. This isn't what I wanted you know. To fuck on the first date. But you've tried my patience time and time again, chipping away at my restraint. Is this what you wanted Mads?"

"God yes."

"For me to break? To lose all control?"


Kian hovered over her, "Look at me. Don't look away." She demanded gently gripping Madison's face.

Kian's eyes locked onto Madison's, smoldering with desire and adoration. She brought her thumb to trace along the musician's plump lips, and Madison instinctively parted them, sucking gently. Kian's breath hitched at the sensation before reluctantly withdrawing her hand.

Her fingertips trailed reverently down the expanse of Madison's body, mapping every dip and curve. Kian marveled at the flawless, creamy skin under her touch - so soft, unblemished, and perfect. As she followed the delicious lines of Madison's toned abdomen, the dip of her navel, the enticing cut of her hips, Kian felt an overwhelming yearning to worship every inch with her lips and tongue.

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