Chapter Fifty

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Madison's POV

As Madison slowly blinked awake, the first thing she registered was the empty, cool space beside her in the bed. She shot upright, her mind instantly on alert. Had Kian experienced another nightmare? Where could she have gone?

Slipping out from under the covers, Madison grabbed Kian's discarded navy t-shirt from the night before and pulled it on. She padded out into the hallway, methodically checking the guest room and gym, but both were vacant.

It wasn't until she reached the living area that her worried frown melted away. The aroma of fresh pancakes and sizzling bacon wafted through the air. There was Kian, taking a moment to gather herself amidst the impressive breakfast spread she had clearly prepared.

Madison slipped onto the warm body.

Lips covering her own, "Good morning to you too Ms. Barnes"

"You as well Ms. Shephard, looks like you have been a busy woman"

"I wanted to make sure you got your calories in, especially with how much we burned last night," Kian replied with a mischievous grin.

A tint of pink colored the musician's cheeks bringing a smile to Kian's face.

"How thoughtful of you"

Kians had subconsciously snaked its way up Madison's thigh, following the firm muscle to her intended destination. Her fingers brushed against Madison's core, discovering the brunette's lack of underwear

"No panties? Last night wasn't enough for you? "

"I don't think it'll ever be enough when it comes to you. And I thought it would be easier for you if I didn't put it on."

Kian's finger slipped through the already wet folds, teasing the sensitive nub. Madison squirmed, widening her legs in response to the sensation sending prickles of pleasure down her spine. Kian's lips brushed against the back of the singer's neck. Her eyes trailed down the series of bites ending at Madison's shoulder.

"Why don't you start eating, I'm sure you're starving."

"I can't when you're touching me like that."

"Pick up the fork pretty girl, I made those pancakes just how you like them" -grazing her lips against the smaller woman's ear- "sweet"

The Lieutenant pushed a finger in as Madison reached out for the utensil. She gripped it tightly, gasping as Kian worked her body. The singer's walls clenched immediately, still feeling the aftermath of the previous night. Kian's finger pumped in and out at a steady pace, relishing the way Madison sucked in her. She curled her finger hitting the most sensitive spot, the fork clinking against the table.

"Pick it back up Mads."

Madison hadn't heard, she was too distracted. Her head was thrown back resting on Kian's broad shoulder, her hands clenched on the table. The marine added a second finger curling them again. Madison's mouth fell open, her breath warming the side of Kian's neck.

"Come on Madison, pick up the fork."

"I-I can't, feels too good." She panted out in between breaths.

Suddenly Kian slowed down, the singer whined in response wiggling on the Marine's lap.

"Pick it up." Kian instructed firmly

Madison's hand slowly reached for the fork, gripping it tighter as she peered down through her eyelashes. It allowed Kian to resume her action at a faster rate to test whether or not the brunette would drop it again. Surprisingly she didn't, her eyes flashed with determination. With shaky hands she worked the pancake successfully cutting a piece of it off with the side of her fork.

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