"I can't believe you're spending your summer up there in those mountains," My mom sighed.
"Ma I'll be okay it's just for the summer, I'll be home when school starts," I chuckled.
"What the hell you dressed in?" My dad stuck his face in the camera with his reading glasses on.
"Mr.Gaulden got us dressed in these camouflage suits, love doesn't like hers but i love mine," I snickered.
"That nigga got my daughter dressed up like a deer hunter, "Dad shook his head, "Ain't y'all hiking in them damn mountains? That bastard better make sure my baby doesn't get attacked by no mountain cat."
"Dad I'll be okay." I found it funny, he was so serious. At first, my parents were against me spending the summer with my best friend Love but her dad convinced my parents to let come here. I've been here in Utah for a week now and it was fun so far, you could never get bored here.
They had all types of animals and all types of things to do. I spend most of my time outside in the horse stable. I fell in love with the horse Tessa and I'm pretty sure she grew a liking for me too, all their animals loved me.
"Ight i'm just making sure, we gone call you back when we get done doin grown folks business." He says making me cringe. I hurried up and pressed the red button on my screen before they could say anything else nasty.
My parents are certified freaks. I'm surprised that they didn't have any kids after me. After my mom had me she got her tubes tied, i guess they didn't want anymore after me.
"LYRIC!" Love ran up to me catching her breath.
"That goat chased me all through the yard!" She whined. I just started laughing cause she is so dramatic. "It tried to eat my damn clothes!"
"You so crazy mumu." I snickered.
"Ion know if ima be able to go camping, It's hot as fuck, and it's too many mosquitoes, and all types of creatures." She complained.
"Okay guys, I packed everything." Mrs.Gaulden hands us a camouflage cooler.
"Ma I'm not going."
"Why not mumu?" Her mom sucked her teeth. "I swear you are so bipolar like your daddy. It's too late."