𝓒𝓱. 55

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"Thank you for your cooperation Ms. Takahashi"

The interrogator whispered something into an officer's ear, before shooing the three kids away.

"Alright. You're good to go now–"
"What about Y/n?"

Reo and Kaede had gotten up to leave, but Nagi seemed to have other plans. He had remained silent the whole time Kaede spoke about what she had witnessed. Now that they were finished, it was his turn to ask the questions.

"Y/n...? Ah, you mean the missing girl? Don't worry about it, our investigators are on the case already. We'll be sure to let you guys know if we find anything–"

"So since you haven't told us anything, does that mean you guys don't have any leads? Anything at all?", Nagi was shooting questions left and right, eyeing the interrogator with those lifeless eyes of his.

"Jeez...", the interrogator was starting to get annoyed, "At the moment, no we do not. But we're trying really hard to–"

"Then try harder. That's your guys' job, no?"

Reo saw how pissed off Nagi was making the guy, intervening before things could get any worse.

"S–Sorry officer! We'll get going now!", he practically dragged Nagi out of there, "We'll let you guys do your job–"

"Like hell they will! This is exactly why Y/n didn't want to tell them about–MMPH!"

Kaede smacked her hand over his mouth, putting on a fake smile for the officers, "We're sorry for his behavior... We'll get going now"

Nagi wasn't a fan of Reo and Kaede teaming up to drag him out of the police station. He was almost like a bratty kid, whining and pleading for them to let go. Once they had reached the corner of the street, Nagi was able to yank them off, his face slightly flushed out of anger.

"What the hell?! What's wrong with you two–?!"

"Look man, I get you're upset", Reo tried calming his friend down, "But if you act out like that to cops, they're just gonna be petty and throw you in jail, or something like that. Cops are assholes like that, we just had to play it cool–"

"But they won't find her!", Nagi bites back, scratching the side of his head out of irritation, "They don't know the people behind this"

Reo raised an eyebrow, "Oh and you do–?"

"It's my family, no doubt about it"

They turned around, not realizing Kaede had already began to cross the street. She was texting someone on her phone, not bothering to even explain where she was headed.

"H–Hey Gorgeous, wait up!", Reo ran after her.

Nagi was in no mood to go anywhere, not when you were probably suffering god knows where. But Kaede had a direct connection to your kidnappers. If anyone could figure this out, it was her. So despite the worry in his heart, his determination to find you was greater.

"I'm coming too", Nagi caught up behind them, walking just a couple steps away.

"Psh! I assumed you would follow me...", she finished typing, shoving her hands back in her pockets, "We're walking to Ryusei's... It's not too far from here"

"Shidou's? Why?", Reo asked first.

"Cause.... he needs to know what happened... I texted Jyubei to meet us there as well. His parents shouldn't be home, so we won't be interrupted"

Nagi and Reo gave each other a side-eye, wondering what Kaede was planning in that strange head of hers. They walked for another ten minutes, arriving at a surprisingly decent looking house.

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