Chapter 33

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Jiang Yun attack other men and slit their throats, they have entered the abandoned location without making any noise. "Put your safety pin in your gun." Jiang Yun whispered.

"I'm not a child, stop Educating me." Shen Mengyao said, and Jiang Yun did not react much.

They saw another man, but it was about to shoot them. Because of being startled, Shen Mengyao pulled the trigger and shot him dead. The noise alarmed everyone, and Jiang Yun looked at Shen Mengyao with a tired face.

"Seriously? How many times do I need to tell you that stop drinking coffee??!!!" Jiang Yun yelled at her, "sorry, I forgot the safety pin." Shen Mengyao said, and Jiang Yun massaged the bridge od her nose out of stress.

"You said you're not a child, you gotta be kidding me." She said, and walk away from Shen Mengyao, "look, I'm sorry."

"Sorry your own ass."


"Men, permission to attack." Yihan declared through their radio and the soldiers have attack the place. It was very big, so some of them got a hard time invading the whole place.

Yoko on the other hand, saw a smoke coming smoke from the outside of the only window they got from up. She knew that Karik wanted to burn them, and she tried to open the door, but it was locked.


Yoko tried to break it, but her strength is not enough. Yoko gasped, and say, "I have to save them."

Yoko suddenly found a pin in her jacket, and she realized that, her jacket and Jiang Yun's jacket got interchanged.

Yoko immediately reached out for the lock outside the door, even her hands are bleeding through the sharp fence, she never really cared about it.

When she got the door opened, she saw her family unconscious due to the smoke.

Yoko was left with no choice, she woke Lux and immediately Lux got her consciousness back.

"Wake up! You have to help me!" Yoko said, as she coughed. "What?"

"The fire is getting bigger, wake up and take sister Ciize out first!" Yoko said, as she tried to wake Milk and Anda.

Lux gathered all her strength and took Ciize out of the room, after that, she tried to go back, but dizziness stopped her and blurred her vision.

"Father! Father!!" Yoko slapped Chao's face, and Chao came back to her senses.

"Huh? Yoko?"

"Wake up! And take mother with you!!" Yoko said, and cover her nose, Chao was about to sit down, but the smoke makes it hard for them to breathe. "Geez, I'm suffocating." Chao said, and took Siraphun out of the room.

Yoko was left with no choice but to pull Milk first out of the room, bit by bit, every step she make is paid by her strength. After that, she run again back to the room.

She took View out of the room, same as she took Milk.

But when it comes to Anda, the fire had already eaten the ceiling, and suddenly collapsed. Luckily, it wasn't a whole wood that fell into Yoko, but it does burn her.

"Argh!" Yoko screamed in agony, as Anda opens her eyes a little, she can see Yoko's pain through her eyes. And she realized that, the sister she hated before, is now in front of her, saving her against the fire.

"Yoko?" Anda is trying to bring her senses back, "wake up! And leave!!" Yoko shouted at her, and View was so shock to realize that it was already a state of emergency.

Yoko then decided to stand up for herself, throw the wood that burned her, and then uses one of her final strengths to help Anda out of the room.

After they got out, Yoko suddenly touch a pressure point in Anda's neck, where she fell in the floor and totally went asleep.

Yoko can feel the burn wound in her back, but she couldn't complain much as she saw Karik with her men is leaving through the back.

"Fuck that Karik." Yoko uttered, as saliva started falling down in her mouth.

Yoko fell on her knees, as she felt she doesn't have strength to keep on going. But then she closed her eyes and say, "God, help me. Just one last time."


A Fruitless Marriage (Gxg) [Fayeyoko fanfiction]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ