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Edward, who was just beginning to adjust to the situation, became very worried.

"OK, But I now want to consider all the circumstances well. I want to go out"

"As you wish. But outside radiation can harm you so please take it"

Alice gave him a cube-shaped box.

After picking it up, the box transforms into an armor suit. which covers his entire body.

"It's a nanotech suit that will protect you from the harmful outside environment."

"That's great, thank you."

Then they come out of the factory.

Edward sees many types of robots around. who are doing different types of work

The land has become a wasteland. The sky is red.

Edward is able to visualize the horrors of a nuclear war hundreds of years ago.

"We have so far reduced the radiation caused by nuclear war by 60 percent. Also, our Ozone layer was damaged by 20% due to nuclear war. We have already recovered 15% and we hope to make the world radiation free in 100 years."

"Very good. But if we bring people from other worlds, they cannot live here now."

"Nuclear war had the greatest impact on countries like America, Russia, Europe, China, Iran, India, Korea, and Pakistan. Because of this, the radiation levels in these areas are very high.
However, some areas of Africa, Australia, and the Middle East had very low radiation levels which we have made radiation-free."

"Can I see these situations through the map?"

"Of course."

Alice turns on a projector.

A map of the world can be seen.

Here the radiation zones are identified.

This map is an exception from Edward's time. Because the world has changed a lot in these years. Edward, who knew a lot about the geography of the world, saw many things missing from this map. Many areas of countries like Indonesia, Bangladesh, India went underwater. Besides, countries like Maldives have completely vanished.

Port areas of many coastal countries were flooded due to rising water levels.

Today's world is different.

"You have worked hard to make this world radiation-free."

"We give our best"

"But if we bring people from other worlds will they agree to stay on this world. If they declare war against us?"

Edward asked this question worriedly.

"Don't worry. I have prepared an army of killer robots for this. Also, you led us. So you have the right to decide."

Edward let out a deep breath.

"Alright. Let's go back to the supervision room. I want to know details about this multiverse gate?"


Alice began to explain to him in detail

"These two planets are the closest we've ever found. These two planets are the closest. The first planet is roughly Earth-sized and we named it WO1. The second world is slightly larger in size. WO2."

Images of two planets appeared on the screen.

"But how do we get to this planet?"

"We'll send a spacecraft to that planet. The robot will set up a gate on that planet and then we'll connect this gate to the gate we've built on Earth. In this way, we will reach that planet."

"But won't that take a long time?"

"Don't worry. It will only take us a month."

Edward was very surprised by this.

The technology of this time is great.

"Then which planet should we contact."

"But if that planet's civilization is superior to ours, how do we deal with them?"

"We have observed those planets with telescopes. They are not so advanced civilizations. So we have no reason to worry."

"Ok. Then connect to WO1 first."

"I understand"

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