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Red had been out on a boat with his brother. Both worked as coastguards. "Red, quit slacking." Said Edge. "Sure thing boss." He answered. They were currently heading out to investigate reports of strange ships in the area.

"Boss, I think we should think about heading back, I heard there was going to be a storm." Said Red. "Shut up Red, there's nothing to worry about." Said Edge.

They cleared the area and began heading back with the crew as the wind began to pick up. "Boss, I don't like the look of those clouds." Said Red. "We'll be back in port before the storm hits." Said Edge.


They were not back in port before the storm hit. The ship rocked back and forth on the large waves, lighting light the sky, thunder boomed near deafeningly, salt sprayed the face of people on deck, and the wind was enough to nearly blow a couple people over. Red was attempting to help the people on deck steady their ship when a large wave and large gust of wind knocked into the ship causing it to sway unsteadily and Red to tumble overboard.

Red tried to call for help, but was dragged down by the currents. Attempting to cry out was futile as the waves dragged him down. Red tried to swim, but the water tossed his body, which was ill equipped for swimming, against something hard causing him to begin losing consciousness. His eye sockets began drifting shut and he could feel his body go limp, unable to fight the current and waves.

Red blinked his sockets open in confusion. He remembered falling into the sea and drowning. Had he washed up on an island? But... he was still underwater. He looked down and froze. Instead of legs made of bones, there was tentacles. They were dark brownish gray, almost black, with bits of red that glowed faintly.

Red screamed, he didn't know what had happened. He freaked out for several minutes before calming enough to begin experimenting with moving. He also realized he was bigger than he had been before, he remembered reading that many mers were typically larger than their land counterparts and, in many cases, their aquatic animal counterparts.

He began learning how to swim and move. He was grateful to find it was mostly instinctual. He began feeling hungry and caught sight of a nearby fish. He remembered mers ate sea creatures and some things like kelp depending on their species. One of his tentacles struck at the fish stunning it before he managed to finish it off with his claws. He was surprised to find he enjoyed the taste and gulped it down.

He learned that he had been lucky catching the first fish and began working on his technique and making some traps out of trash and things he found. He was getting lonely though, he didn't know if he could talk to other mers and land people would probably not react positively to him.

Picture of Meroctopus Red I made:

Picture of Meroctopus Red I made:

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