A Glass Tailed Guppy

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Stitches was swimming along near the sea floor, hoping to find crabs. She had a bag made of cloth that she and Red had found filled with the crabs she had already found and killed. Then, she noticed something in the distance.

It was an old fishing net, but on closer examination, it wasn't empty. A young mer with a transparent, red tinted tail was tangled in the net. Startled, she was stunned for a moment before beginning to untangle the mer. She identified him as an adolescent mer, old enough to begin hunting and start learning to defend themselves, but not old enough to live without a parent or group. They had a glass fish tail, which wasn't something she had seen before. 'Why are they alone? Shouldn't their parent or group have helped them?' She thought as she carefully picked up the unconscious young mer.

She swam back to the den and was greeted by Red. "What do you have?" He immediately asked. "I found him tangled in an old net. It was weird since he should still be with a parent or group, but he looked like he was tangled up for at least a day or two." Said Stitches. Red sighed and helped her look over the young mer and use healing magic.

After an hour, they woke up. "W-who are y-you?" He asked. "I'm Stitches and this is Red." Answered Stitches. "Why am I here?" They asked. "Stitches found you tangled in a net. What's yer name kid?" Asked Red. "Spin..." he answered. "Where's your guardian?" Asked Stitches. "I don't remember." Mumbled Spin. After talking a bit, they found Spin couldn't really remember his past well or his group.

"Can we keep him?" Asked Stitches. " wha?" Asked Red. "He'll be in danger if he goes off alone and we don't know who is caretaker is, so can we keep him?" Asked Stitches. Red stared for a long moment before grumbling, "Fine."

Spin began settling into his life with the two with Stitches as his main caretaker, although Red also helped a lot. Red warmed up to the young Mer and would watch him and help teach him what he knew.

A/N: Spin is Storyspin sans, in this au he's still young. In this au, most very young mers need parents or their group do look after them(babies basically), then they begin learning and training(basically kids), then they begin working more like full fledged members of their group or if they're less social leave their parent(teen), and finally reach adult age. Some young mers, mostly fish types, are called guppies in this au.

I don't have a picture because I'm not confident enough to draw a decent glass fish mer.

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